Chapter 1168 – 1168. Blinded
Although Remey was angry, she had not chosen the water and fire knuckles for no reason. She knew that they had adverse reactions when they were used together and that was her goal. If she always relied on her strength then she would one day find herself against an opponent stronger than her. She would end up beaten down without any tricks.
After having Trish teach her more about battle potions she had managed to learn about the elemental manas within the potions they were making. A lot of this knowledge hade from the experiments revolving around elemental affinity potions. Trish, the old master alchemist, and Remey needed to be very careful with the ingredients they used. If they did not follow the elemental affinity for all the herbs for a certain potion then it would fail or even explode. That was one reason that Trish had so many battle potions to defend herself.
Before Walker even reached her, Remey mmed the two knuckles together using her elemental fist skill. The water elemental fist brought the water in the air and the fire elemental knuckle drew the fire elemental mana in the air. The result was a burst of hot steam that blinded Walker. If he had known it wasing he would have been able to react faster, but he waspletely taken by surprise.
"Taking me for a weakling?! You think I can''t stand on my own two feet? I''ll put you in your ce!" Remey''s attack broke through the steam. Her knuckles had been switched without a single sound and Walker was the prime target for a knuckle coated in earth. The hit was hard and sent him tumbling back.
He managed to roll on to his feet to see that Remey was using another of the earth coated knuckles to m in to the ground and cause the round to shake around her. Walker knew she hade up with multiplebinations to use the elemental fist skill but this was stunning.
She had used her elemental fist skill with the earth knuckles to cause a small area of the ground to shake and further thrown Walker off bnce. From what Walker knew this skill was called tremble and steel armadillos were known to use it against their enemies. But Remey had managed to learn a monster skill because she was able to replicate the earth elemental affinity and move to do it, proving that it might not be exclusive to monsters.
The only reaction Walker had was to use his grand elemental maniption to calm the earth. Yet, this gave Remey more time to dash forward and switch her knuckles again. The win elemental knuckles made her fist fly at him faster. But when Walker started to duck he found he had been tricked again. Remey had used her fists to push her body forward and twist, The result was a drastic change for a high kicking at his arms.
In thest moment before Remey''s kick hit his head, Walker used his eternal orb gauntlets to gather a cushion of wind. It was part of him using the wind wrapping skill and his grand elemental maniption skill to defend the main force of Remey''s kick. "Tell me! Can you feel my punches!? Can you feel my training!? Do you think I just sit and make potions all day? Do you think I won''t be in that colosseum showing every challenger who the best brawler is!?"
There was what felt like a rock in Walker''s stomach as he realized that Remey had been straining herself to keep up with alchemy and also train. He noticed for the first time the dark circles under her eyes and how unkempt her hair really was. She had not shown her usual temper because she was too tired to show it. She had been pushing her body well beyond what was necessary to make the potions for those in need and prepare Genesis to free the demons when they were ready.
"Do you think I wanted to just sit there and let that stupid monster take over our city!? Do you think seeing everyone lying in the streets suffering was fun!?" Remey threw punch after punch at Walker. He could feel her emotions with every swing. He was the fool here. Everyone had failed to see that she was cursing herself for this failure and no one else.
The next attack was much tougher than Walker could handle and he was pushed back with his heels digging in to the soft dirt. Remey swapped knuckles again and mmed together one fire and one wind elemental knuckles to make a brilliant me wrap around her right fist. The sudden heat made Walker pull water from the air in a rush. He used it to wrap the eternal orb gauntlets in time to catch Remey''s punch.
The steam produced showed that this attack was nothing weak. But the fear Walker showed was due to the effects it had on Remey. Her fist was burned and she was sweating profusely. However, she did not flinch. She showed a red tinge in her eyes and continued to push. She changed knuckles again and showed the darkness elemental knuckled with the earth knuckle. Walker was not sure what wasing but he knew that the attack was just beginning.
Before he had a chance he watched the shadows bend and his perception of Remey be twisted. The ground shifted and Remey used the tremble skill again. The shadows made it hard for Walker to raise his own fists and try to block. Instead of the solid hit he thought he would get, he felt his fists deflect Remey''s hit. Instead of his face, it drove in to his shoulder. He fell back and twisted as the second fist hit the ground causing the tremble skill again. Remey was still not done. She had lost her reason and was in a brawler''s fury.