Chapter 1196 – 1196. No Resistance
"Ha! A human as a guardian? How weak can this royal be? They are a human too, right? How could they resist mes from my lord?" Midnight and Su didn''t even see the point in remembering the names of these dragonkin or champions. They hadughed the moment they walked in.
"You see that? she doesn''t even have a dragonkin form? That''s pathetic. Just a hatchling pretending to be something they are not." The dragonkin with arge ax sneered at Midnight. They were the guardian to a napping dragon champion who seemed to cause the ground to rumble slightly with every breath. Said dragon was the only one not looking down on them but it seemed to make Midnight a little angrier since it was no attention at all.
"Look, it appears that she is going to try and breathe fire. A little thing like you is much too young for elemental breathing-" The wind dragon champion was instantly silenced upon seeing the golden mes. They knew well the meaning behind them. They also felt the other elemental mana stirring within the room proving that Midnight had more than just fire elemental mana at her fingertips.
"Midnight does not need your approval or even your acknowledgment. We both will be more than any of you hope to be. If you dare to approach her or myself, I will ensure your pain is stronger than your mind can take." The only familiar face was that of the champion beneath Current. Su wanted to say that she could clearly remember his name but at the moment she was too distracted in her act of intimidation. The force that she gave off was not some small deterrence that the others expected of a human.
The next growl that Midnight let out was one that was followed by small golden sparks. She was not going to let anyone stare down Su. The reaction of those around here was not anything as arrogant as before. "Golden me heart. How have you been born with such a feature? You were not even brought from a vige…or were you stolen by humans?"
"You would say that my family was kidnapped?" The earth elemental spirit reacted to Su''s anger and her words seemed steeped with earth elemental mana. This woke up the sleeping earth dragon champion.
''So you are the ones from that new vige. My lord didn''t believe that a human would actually be involved. He normally does not drag my old bones from my nest, but this was different. He was right." The earth dragon champion was obviously the eldest. It seemed that he had not been through the same experiences as the other. "You seem confused but me. I am a rare case. I have a very special skill of the earth dragons called shedding. It came from some experiment with earth elemental mana and purity some years ago. With it, I was able to shed my skills and skin to be born again in a way. I pledged to my Lord making me the only champion of two earth elemental royal dragon Lords. You may ask me for advice when you need it."
"Midnight and I will look forward to your guidance when we need it. It''s nice to see that someone has some sense. I thought that dragons would be more respectable like you. Unfortunately, I find that to be false as of yet."The older earth dragon champion justughed.
"You shouldn''t allow them to get to you. They are young still. You two may be a little ahead of your positions but you will grow in to them the same as everyone here will or has. Now, we all know these two. Do not lie that your lord did not research them and their home. Let''s get to it. We have our own way of speaking." The words seemed to stop any intention of arrogance and throwing weight astound. As the oldest member, the earth dragon champion seemed to take the lead in power and wisdom. If Walker could see this he would believe this to greatly surpass the royal on the throne.
"We may not have the same amount of weight to throw around as our lord''s do. But our lord''s rarely act. You have the support of the water viges. That is admirable. It also means you will get the support of air, and potentially light. That leaves Darkness to their whims and then fire and my lord who will resist. Why should we convince our lords?" The earth elemental dragon champion had woken up ande out hitting. But Su was not perturbed.
"Because our city of Genesis and its bonding of different races can not only make the dragons better, it can fix a fundamental problem of the dragon that eats away at their great image. We can offer a home to the dragons kicked out by the, so called pride, of the dragons. A rogue dragon can have the potential to never exist in this case. Every race is wee in Genesis as an equal. Seeing the reactions here it appears that your dragonkin warriors already know of the risk thates with rogue dragons hunting dragonkin out of rage. Would you like to lose your dragonkin guardian to one? We had to fight one on our trip up here."
In that single speech, Su had not only managed to end any push back from the dragonkin, but also made a massive impact on the dragon champions. When Midnight stood up and hid behind Su they weren''t sure what further was happening. But they felt the fluctuations of mana and saw Su covering Midnight behind the twin shields. When Midnight stepped out in dragonkin form they were shocked. "Alos, we might be a little further ahead than you believe, for the young as you would say." Midnight and Su knew they had won.