"So what''s next? We had monsters descended from goblins, monsters that looked like they had one eye but it wasn''t an eye, and monsters with four eyes that could fly. So what monsters are we nning to run in to next?" Remey made it sound like this was all some grand n that they were thinking of this entire time. However, it was clear that this had all been by chance.
"Don''t forget about the tree that we passed by. That weeping oak was actually a monster in slumber." Su also seemed to be enjoying this game since she found it funny how Walker had immediately looked at Remey like there was some big problem tempting fate.
"It''s probably going to be another pest so sticking with the theme, forest rats." Gil''s surety made them all nodded a little. They somehow had a trend of pests right now and it just was not fun at all. However, it was following the theme.
"Or we could all rx and hope not toe in front of another monster at all? That would be good. Especially since the trees should be opening up in to a little more of a grassy in ording to the maps." Walker had looked at the map carefully and had it memorized.
The next portion of travel would take them across a few streams and eventually stopping t to be a nice grasnd for a few hours of walking. It was right before they hit some rolling grassy hills that should be tall enough to give them a view of the embassy that would be another short while of travel from that. It wasn''t that this continent was massive, but it also wasn''t small. The pace they had set was inn crediblepared to what a normal person would travel in a day.
"Or, we could greet the people that are camping at the edge of the trees ahead. That might be a better choice." one of the harpies had stopped in front of Alma and exined the small camp set up just ahead of them.
"Small camp? Of what?" Walker was instantly ready to fight again. He and the others felt the same. Midnight let out a soft growl in preparation in case they would have to be put right back to battle. It made sense since they had to fight a lot recently against the weaker pests than anything else.
"They apparently haverge packs and seem to be traveling merchants. I would assume they travel along the viges trying to get something good from them since they are along the border. But we could be wrong, looks aren''t everything." Alma knew that some merchants had pretended to be merchants in the first ce and actually were spying on kingdom borders once upon a time. That had been less popr through the years, however, it had not been forgotten.
"Don''t worry, we can also hear youing from some distance away and came to see you too. Since you aren''t merchants, nor even of our race… we might want to speak for a moment." The woman that hade to them was sitting in a tree. She had red tinged wings and was not carrying a single weapon. However, Walker could feel that she had gathered a decent amount of fire elemental mana around her.
"So you have a fire affinity and are a mage. That makes you the first angel fire mage I have met. I wouldn''t mind seeing what you can do if our conversations go well." Walker chad sensed it and he was not going to hide the fact that he could. It would set some important limits and protect everyone. Why would he hide this?
"So a fellow fire mage but certainly not wingless? Now that is interesting." the woman was wearing rugged clothing that was clearly made from traveling long distances. She was also slightly smudged with dirt on her face which made it clear that the journey she and others had been on as fairly long.
"Not just fire, that''s a little dangerous to assume. Especially since I can feel the water mages behind you. So, what would you be doing if you are mages with merchants? Body guards? Or did you take a pilgrimage to learn about elemental mana." there was just something telling Walker that this hunch was correct. Why else would decently strong mages be out and about like this?
" We could just bemon mages. But I would say we work well as guardians for our clients. Or we were born in a merchant family and stuck with it even though we learned to be mages." There was a small smile starting to bloom on her face as two more angels showed themselves and pped their wings to get to the ground with the woman.
"And we could just be travelers looking to get to the border embassy so we can solve some problems. Why not share a little information and food?" Walker saw that this was already being epted before he said it.
"In that case, My name is ne. I work with the me wing merchants. Feel free to buy something if you have the gold with you. We have camp ahead, please only bring your group. I don''t want to feed an entire army since that might be what you brought." ne looked like she was worried that Walker actually had a massive army marching behind him. It was clear that she had not checked all the soldiers out yet.
"There may be a few more thate if they are interested. But it seems that they are going to stay meditating for now." Walker looked back at the other royal dragons and saw that they could care less about the angels that had juste across their path. Mostly because they were focused on gathering even more elemental mana now that they realized there might be even more dangers than just the wyverns.
"That will not be a problem, I can see that many are worried about your safety." The respectful attitude came with the fact that the dark affinity dragonkin and the elven archers were not hiding their presence. They were sure to make their presence known to a small degree. It was a slight threat that they would not allow their lords to be harmed, especially not the nature dragon that they guarded.
"I am surprised, you have interestingpanions. I can''t say I have ever seen people like them." ne was clearly fishing for some information. However, she could also tell that Walker was going to be asking her questions too. Especially since the entire party that was walking behind him was listening intently and adjusting themselves with every movement made by himself and ne.
? "They are, wee from a pretty far off continent. The alliance I helped form is called Genesis. It''s just a small city for now, every race is wee there. I am sure you understand that." Walker paused making sure there was emphasis on this. Even if these people were not the best merchants, gaining a small connection to any merchant would be valuable for potential trade between continents to be born.
"I am somewhat human, Gil is human as well, Su is part human and part dragon, Alice is actually slightly rted to angels, Midnight is a dragon, Onyx is an abyssal serpent, Remey is human, and Alma is an elf. But you will meet more than that. Demi-humans, harpies, goblins, grey haired spiders, demons, dwarves, merfolk, and many more toe I''m sure all are united." Walkerughed seeing that ne was slowly beginning to show shock.
"Well, I can''t say we are as diverse here. The angels are the only race that I have met in my life. But I am still seventy years young!" ne tried to y it off like this was expected however, she saw that no one flinched at the age. It appeared that they also shared diverse ages that didn''t seem to matter much.
"I heard that there is peace in some form now because of the wyvern issues and the issues in the south. Dragons no longer live here but their blood lives on. That must be troublesome as a merchant. You lose ess to some important ces." Walker made his move after offering a lot of information on the races that lived where he was from. Not that ne could fathom all of it. She was lost as to what some of the races even were. However, the world had sent notifications for the monster races joining intelligent races. Therefore, there was some understanding.
"You are correct. It has been a struggle. We do operate very small though. Just traveling and finding things along the way. You understand how that may be. It''s better to explore the world we live in. Fly freely." ne didn''t give up much but she knew she would have to keep talking if she wanted to gain anything.