"By the agreement, the Fel empire will not impede the attempts to apprehend and will assist the genesis alliance in capturing three escaped war criminals that have fled to our Sigil continent. In turn, Genesis will abide by thews of our empire to the best of their abilities while also sharing knowledge as they travel."
"Furthermore, after the fugitives are captured or during, depending on the climate of the empire and continent, the genesis alliance will assist with internal strife caused by the weak dragon bloodline within certain monsters of the past and present. They will be allowed ess to knowledge the Fel empire has gathered in return for this."
"Upon the end of these terms, a new alliance can be adjusted with more trade potential, knowledge sharing, and even alterations to certainws that would otherwise force either party to be ipatible with either continent''sws. In no way will either side cause war with the other or their current peace treaty members. This is absolute." The Fel empire archangel felt that this small summarizing statement was enough for now.
"As you understand, The Rize empire has the same basis. The adjusted portion speaks of the assistance with the mountain region''s division of our empire along with the altered status of many angels due to the attacks of wyverns. There are even the allocations of discovered ruins so that there may be a return of history from us and you to the angels as an entire race."
"There is also the alteration ofws for elemental spirits to be identified as a proper race by our angel race if there is basis and approval of the highest ranking angels of both our empires. The final addition is about the growth of a dedicated port which will act under genesisws." The Rize arch angel seemed more up tight when it came to the alliance terms. Especially since he had made it clear he wanted the historical knowledge of the angel''s ruins near Genesis.
"We will allow the growth of a port where younded as long as the Fel empire sets aside the same portion size ofnd to expand it. Genesisws will apply there the day that genesis embassy is built on thatnd, before then, thews of the empire''s bordernds will apply."
"We agree to those terms for the time being. The details about current trade and the changes in traveling rights will be held for now. There will also be no expansion of Genesis troops without clear direction provided. I am d we coulde to an agreement today." Walker was sure that he had read everything carefully.
After the hours of sitting at the same table and everyone reading through the proposed and finalized documents, the alliance between Genesis, Fel, and Rize were created. There had been some small points that had been stuck for a little bit at times rted to runes and the usage of elemental spirits.
The main reason that this hade up as issues were the floating cities that existed. Both empires had one which kept each other in check. They utilized runes to a massive degree and even held some of the most important buildings and angels. This meant that Genesis was the only member without such defensive cities. It also meant that they did not have the runes to defend from the old cities that could attack with the angel''s guidance.
However, Walker had countered it by raising the fact that there were royal dragons that could easily fly in to the air and destroy the angel''s cities themselves. These rune cities would have tough defenses for sure but since the rune craftsmanship was more or less banned here, they had fallen in to disrepair. The floating cities were surely not up to the same standards as they had been once upon a time. Neither empire could fight Walker on this.
The elemental spirits were anotherrge alteration to what the angels had said to begin with. The angels feared the use of elemental spirits when it came to freedom. Since the angels relied on the mana around them the same way that elemental spirits did, they didn''t want to lose their perfect control of it. Yet, when Walker and the others introduced grand elemental spirits t the, they saw that they were wrong.
The grand elemental spirits were no where near the most powerful beings in the world. But, they did have the ability to manipte mana to a great degree that would stop the angels from using their affinity towards mana. Absorbing mana through their wings was a major drawback at times.
When this was raised, Fluer and the others were able to show that they could control mana and guide it to them as well. Along with helping them clear the blockages out that had gathered between them and mana because they did not properly study the methods of absorbing mana.
The reason that angels had these issues was simple, war. So many methods of their growth had been lost as they fought. Libraries had been burned with whole viges. That alone had been enough to set the angels back. Therefore, when the elemental spirits demonstrated that they could help the angels, the two archangels had changed their minds. They would rather befriend and apologize than lose potential growth for their empires. Especially if the opposing empire would have chosen to ept them where the other would not.
This attitude had helped Walker a lot. The two empires did not want to give up ground to one another. They wanted their ideals to ring true over the others. This thinking had made them at odds for more than just part of the time they met with Walker. It had put Walker in the ideal position though, that was why things had gone so favorably for him and genesis when the documents were signed.
Getting things properly in ce for trade was now one of the higher priorities. Especially because both empires wanted to see documents about the ancient ruins found in Genesis. The great library below the demon capital city was what attracted them most. Ancient knowledge about both the Rize and Fel empire''s ways of thinking when it came to affinities and mana were there.
To them, the two archangels could use it to push their own agendas and make one value higher than the other. But to Genesis, it was a way to unite them as one again. The same way that the elves had started to unite under the return of the high elven ways.
This aside, there was a nice benefit in having the angels ept them to a degree. Now they would have maps and other important information about what was around thend. The unfamiliar monsters would not have to be appraised before battle. It would make things safer.
"Will you stay at the embassy or prepare to search sooner?" The Rize archangel was looking to glean more information about the ruins that Genesis had found. He didn''t want them to rush off right away.
"We will need to prepare ourselves to hunt for them. We need to gather information. Weck awork here, we just began having the harpies take overmunications for the kingdoms. They are recognized by the world so it will give them a great start."
"Then you will want us to send scouts. We have some unique ways to gather information since we study unique systems and skills outside of the natural flow." The arch angels for the Fel empire took the chance immediately. He was looking forward to learning even more about ulterior manas.
"If you have scouts like that then we can learn from them too. It would be good to learn some new skills. But we can also send some dragonkin to scout too." Walker was going to dly look in to unique skills. It could lead him to expand his view.
"We have scouts as well. The light elemental angels that travel the air can make very detailed maps. They may be able to narrow down any new building that is not part of our ns." The Rize empire archangel did not want to be left out of this.
"Then I think creating a joint scouting force is in order. Dark affinity dragonkin, light angel map makers, and the unique space elemental mages. It''s a good way to learn from each other and also to see how well both empires can stand together to properly defend themselves from an outside threat. This demon king will certainly be a threat if left alone." Walker knew he was pushing this a little too much but it was the best optionpared to working apart.
"In the situation. we will do so." The Rize empire archangel begrudgingly epted this.
"I see no issues. The dragonkin are unknown to us, we could experience many new things.