"I know that you are thinking. But we need to begin looking. We can not rest.'' Mordant calmly spoke with Walker. He could tell that Walker was in depth thinking about why they might not have seen the demons here. It was written all over his face. A very easy thing to guess since they were all thinking about it.
Yet, when it came to their current task, they had to focus on the draconic ruins somewhere under this pyramid. The pce that the undead had been trying to break in to as well so that they could utilize more of the strength of dragons to take over more space. So that the mummified pharaoh could live out the desire to be some all powerful god of twisted death.
''I know, I just feel like something is off. How could we have missed the demons? They mocked us at the wyvern territories. They knew we were there and watched us before attacking. Then they stole the wyvern body from a passed away powerful wyvern. There has to be more. They wouldn''t pass up power here."
This drew a few worried looks from Su. She was certain that Walker was right and she too had been trying to figure out what would stop the demons they knew to be roaming somewhere from entering here. "First we handle the ruins. Then we will handle the demons. It is unavoidable."
After a thought or two, Su decided to remain focused on what they could do in the moment. Anything else would slow them down. Especially since they had to make sure that they made time to properly rest once they had handled the issues revolving around the false death runes and undead.
With the rest of the party ready to move, regardless of their tiredness, they started to head down the stairs. What they found were many soldiers setting up ces to rest within therge pyramid. It had been checked out and the remains from anything they had fought had either crumbled to dust or had been piled up. Especially the metal parts here and there.
It had been one thing that really stuck with them when they had fought. The remaining metal parts forced on to the bones and even as parts of the bodies of undead. Many soldiers worried that they would be faced with crumbling rune covered metal parts that could no longer contain their mana. However, they were very rxed to see that this was not the case. With the runes breaking down along with the undead, the metal parts had be useless.
Iot did bring the issue of using themter. There would be many pieces that could be reforged and made use of. But the history from them would make many of the angels feel bad for doing so. Yet, some had already started to state that using the metals for important things that could bring life to the area around the desert might be better. To make farming tools and reim the cursed nature of the desert.
"What''s wrong? Your hand still hurting?" Gil noticed that Remey was shing her fingers and looking at her knuckles.
"Of course it is. I literally shattered metal forged knuckles over my gloves. The mana was way too much and I never thought I would break them. Now my hand is healed but Alice and the other healers said I should hold off for a while since there would still be damage. It wasn''t like they could just magically fix it all perfectly. It was light mana that helped damage my hands. Light elemental healing mana wouldn''t perfectly fix it right away."
The annoyance in Remey''s voice made it clear that she didn''t like the fact that she would have to hold back at all. She needed to repair her own body and get new light affinity knuckles. "What the heck will happen when I fight another tough monster? More broken hands and broken knuckles? I need new one. Tougher ones." Her thoughts seemed to drift elsewhere.
"It''s not just our equipment that we will want to improve. Our bodies too. Su and Walker are already tougher. But you me and Alice are all pretty weak byparison. Onyx is at least a serpent. Tougher scales. Midnight is a dragon. And they all have some dragon things working out. We have ourselves."
With Gil bringing Alice in to it too, the three of them were able to look at the rest of their group with clear eyes. They had a disadvantage byparison.
"You are acting like we have more over you. But you have an entire fighting style that I could not rival. If I was not familiar with you and your battle, I would lose in a fight." Su made it clear to Gil that he had lost some toughness by following the elven ways and adding points to a certain bnced magically and physical attacking style. But that wasn''t a downside.
"Alice trained in healing and as a songstress. She has not been physically battling as long as us or anyone else. She can remain focused on her task and gradually improve physical resistances." This was also a fairly well analyzed position for Su to see.
"And Remey…well, I think she can gain a lot of affinity resistances. She already has the basics started, just needs to work on a few more things instead of being in the alchemyb." Su finally broke her seriousness and smirked a little at Remey. She knew that Remey was already nning to do just that and begin a hardcore focus on physical training again. <novelsnext></novelsnext>
"Listen up, I will be tougher than you and run around like a nonstop berserker. Barry will have nothing on me too when I get stronger than him." Remeypared herself to the vice adventurer''s guild master. They all knew that this was a very lofty goal, but with how much they gained from this trio, it might be a very good start. Not that Barry or anyone that seemed to be on his level were simple. Even if they matched his level they might be considered behind him in toughness.
"This ce seemed different without the runes. The altar was broken a bit because of our attacks, but it looks like it was pulling mana from below too." Walker had stopped paying attention to the conversation around him. He was more fixated on the fact that Ignus appeared ready to start tearing up the floor to find the ruins he wanted.
"Here we are. There are multiple ces that someone might insert poles to move the entire altar.'' Walker pointed out space. It would have taken at least twenty of the undead to move it. Specifically, the stronger undead such as the mummified amalgamations or heavy guardians. But when Ignus heard Walker, he casually mmed a single hand on the altar and flipped it over.
The loud sound of stone being mmed over itself was enough to draw attention and even make some of the soldiers jolt from their resting ces for battle. With a small wave, Walker made sure that they knew it was safe. However, the hole revealed underneath the altar proved to be more than he had imagined.
What he would have assumed to be a small set of steps to a ruin were actually just open space. A massive space left to allow anything that tried to enter to fall. The runes that had been carved connected only to the mana that was hitting the bottom of the altar. It would then pull mana upwards to it.
"I thought that they were trying to break in to this. Why would they have a massive hole here and locked it away just to siphon mana away? Ignus looked at Walker for answers. He knew that the all around appraisal should have some sort of answers for him and everyone else. But instead, Walker shrugged too.
"I will look…" Mordant trailed off while cing a hand in to the empty hole and sensing through the darkness mana there. He slowly looked as if he was learning more and more before he refocused on Ignus.
"They appear to have given up. The stone is too tough and a small me remains around the ruins. It was a defensive mechanism that burned undead that touched it. Instead, they seem to have tried to drain the mana over years and years until they could enter it. They could not beat the power of a truly powerful dragon." Pride came with these words. It was proof that the me dominator dragon may have died but the strength it had was still there. Waiting for the right descendant.
"Then I will go down." Ignus didn''t hesitate to fall in to the pitch darkness.