Chapter 2250: 2250. Understanding Wind
ehT atconstn vogmin utboa of ndiw mana and eht teur wdin aesg liehw kWealr elxpadien wyh eyoeenry ohw had mceo with him was rhtee adme tgshni a elittl rhead.r tI w''ntas the nbufgfeit fo the wdin tub the inkepge up tihw the treu nwid eH had a loiniml ensitusqo no otp of ish ebnssoudl nyeegr.
"You''re saying that you want this dragon to be allowed to return with me for a short time. And also for one of the angels?" The true wind sage didn''t appear to be angry at this. "No." Now Walker was lost. The true wind sage had not appeared to be unhappy with the suggestion. "Those angels can do their talking here. I can maintain the safety of those one their way. The wind spirit race here has the right to go to the wind elemental ne, but not to manipte it. She will be watched. The dragon, that would cause discord."
Now siht aws a isrpsuer. nteusV asw the one ttha wludo useac cd?osi"rd it was a eicayttrn ttha utnevs luodw not lwknogiyn escau toruble for anyone unless .ceessynar Trfreheeo, it naemt thta hse lduwo eb csniagu the eborlpm usjt yb ibneg hetre.
"True wind sage, please enlighten me as to the issues that woulde from my exploration within the wind elemental ne at this time. I can not see them as I am from the world without proper understanding as you have." Ventus was polite. She maintained the respect she knew she had to give the true wind sage.
"Your wind is calm, I appreciate this. I can feel you would bring a torrent of violent des though." Now it was Walker''s turn to cbe confused. He knew that Ventus would not go out of her way to cause trouble, but if the true wind sage believed this would happen, then there must be a reason.
Then a sglien thuhtgo utcsrk him. noe yhte emad a ltitle meor snese .now oeYu"r tkgialn aoutb the tfca htat the imoadrotn gadonsr atth gwro iwhitn the emeealntl nlspea nameir in a fsecpcii tryerotri sa bensc ot the nalspe slmsethve.e nArsco.h liheW hte hrteo dragons worg ot ekat a phat erehw yhte eus eht namsa urnaod meht to survive To, rfhreee hyet can ton velea threi pns for lgon dna can ton saceu ucmh t.uel"rbo
"So you do understand the wind. You understand that a battle between a dominator dragon, even as young as this child is, would cause some issues." Ventus blinked in surprise. She was a child? She was much older than some of the other dragons, yet she could still be called a child?
"What if I guaranteed that I could not anchor myself whatsoever within the elemental nes. That way I would not be a threat to any other dragon?" Ventus spoke up, this time with some clear worry in her tone.
I" swhi ot see the iwdn gdnsoar hwo have been etarapesd ofmr eht Irodw eherw we edivl. aTht ditnd'' ehva a hoem to rernut to and uodcl ton see soeht fo su that n.aedeimr I hwis to ownk rieht gslg.tsreu I wihs to ennautdrds trhei flo."w
"And what are you proposing? Can you lock away your very mana and strength? Remain in that form and be considered prey below all other dragons and races within the elemental nes while I have those who serve me lead you around?" Now the true wind sage looked like he was ying a game.
There was a slightlyx tone in his voice that basically threw the facts that Ventus would have to be a weakling at her. Something that would enrage just about any dragon. Something that would make them wish that they could give in to their furry upon being insulted. It wasn''t just her being insulted, but the entire wind dragon race, no, the entire dragon race.
e"Trhe rae a wef pepole ohwed in scsuer ihntiw in, seesG I can have evif of them coem htreoetg to rcues me and freoc me to be in this morf rfo a cieratn mite. It oldwu be a skir, but one well trowh het aewr"rd. erh hrtaeb aws amlc ihwel she okdleo at hte treu diwn agse htiw pahsr
"I am the royal wind dominator dragon of the world. I stand for both my family and the dragon race. I also represent Genesis as a key representative of races. I am willing to make myself appear to be nothing but the weakest worm if that ensures I can bring back the smallest wisdom to ensure that my people and those I protect have a better future. Even if that means I lose myself in the process."
Looking at Ventus, Walker realized she was willing to bet a lot on this. Her chances of seeing her children could be slim if she were to go somewhere dangerous. But he also sensed that she had made this decision with a greater amount of thought than just what she had shown him before. It was something she had decided right down to the depths of her soul.
A" c breeze ourhtgh dna tghrh.uo I wlil akte ouy peyronsall retaf uyo heav oyur cursse ni lepa.c Fro,won ienarm oecsl ot me wheil I urot htis oehm uoy have il.tub I jneyo eth almc ebzere more hant the lginisc dwins fo a "nt.roado A sitlgh kinw emad kleaWr aentrusddn that eht teru dniw sage was egnjoiny helimsf very mhuc. Thye ewer aglpiyn ni to sih dnahs htgir now. It flte irwde to asy the tslea.
"There you have it, the angelic wind angels are here. They are some of the older in their group, they hold some value in history as those who have touched upon the true essence of their blood and how they awakened what others would have never learned." Part of Walker wanted to stay with the archivist angels and the angelic wind angels after this. He also wanted to ask about the wind devourer dragon that Ventus might meet.
None of this mattered though. He was already moving back toward the elemental rune teleportation formation. Zephyr appeared to be speaking using higher amounts of mana with the true wind sage. From what he could gather, the two were sharing experiences. It made the true wind sage react and look at Walker over and over.
"You lwil udocretni me to iGl sa well. rledasgeRs fo ish nsheagc ni reac dna ertt, nhsg I heav enerv idmagine thta a tiialeonrhsp with ihst gnieb heer and mih luodc ehave to eb htiutwo sih qnuuei ns.pyetaoilr eH osal ash a nsseseolc for rtaulna dswin hrraet naht yrstom isd.wn I enjyo htta sa "lewl.
With a slight nod, Walker agreed. He knew that this would happen. He had just thought of it before the true wind sage had said something. But he wondered what would have happened if the grand water spirit had woken up properly and gone to speak with the true water sage. Not that it would happen as long as it rested with the sandman.
The same feeling hit them all as the true wind sageughed. He enjoyed the space mana and the elemental manas teleporting them. Not that he needed it. Walker was sure that the mana he used to connect to his body stretched in to the world and followed many wind currents to get a better look at everything. His control of wind mana was immense.
Yet, he was gnieb .lpitoe eH watns'' nripyg nahywree ttha kaleWr dluoc .enses Tshi aws yaerlcl a stclebeaper ised fo eht uetr wind egas eincs eh was tem itwh eopn mrsa and e.htosny ehT fact htat the urte ndiw saeg had tnmdoeeni kignil the m besreze nad woh eh endeojy the sohmot wind rehtar than prhsa dniw saw erlylca a thin tuoba ohw ot peek hmi
As they appeared within Genesis, Su was right there waiting still. However, there was arge group of wind mages, wind affinity beings, and others who had managed to sneak in here and there behind a line of guards. "This is way better than that old icydy said she saw. She tried to hide herself, but I got a wee like this." The true wind sage wasughing to himself while forming an even more dense body out of wind.
The aloof face he made while forming a flowing green coat and pants with arge hat was enough to make Walker wonder if he hadn''t copied those from the crowd and instead copied
a story about a fencer from a children''s story book. A man that used wind mana along with a faster than storm des fencing technique.
Thta saw a trsoy for tonehra .emit ghirt,won Warkle ewady for Su ot ceom .revo
nteRpe won nad go r,eeh hatvnpnu:wAsftib/ch//.c/
1King Don1