Gemstone >>> Color >>> Nickname >>> Attribute >>> Discription >>> Glass Discription
Amethyst >>> Purple >>> The Sponge >>> Empathy >>> When brought to its apex you can feel what others are feeling around you. >>> If you become Glass you have no emotions.
Sapphire >>> Blue >>> The Puzzler >>> Intelligence >>> When brought to its apex causes your logical and mathematical thoughts to be brought to the apex. >>> If you become Glass you can not think like a human and become animalistic.
Emerald >>> Green >>> The Controller >>> Willpower >>> When brought to its apex you can push your thoughts onto others making them want to do as you say. >>> If you become Glass you have no will of your own and are far easier to control by Controllers.
Citrine >>> Yellow >>> The Dreamer >>> Creativity >>> When brought to its apex you can make the most fantastic jumps of thought and interpretations of the world. >>> If you become Glass you have to follow a rigid unchanging life.
Sunstone >>> Orange >>> The Vault >>> Memory >>> When brought to its apex you have perfect recall of all of your memories. >>> If you become Glass you can not recall anything you have learned in your life
This content has been misappropriated from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.
Spinel >>> Pink >>> The Hound >>> Perception >>> When brought to its apex you can have a 6th sense of that allows you to perceive everything around you perfectly. >>> If you become Glass all your senses are dulled to the point that you are unaware of anything that is not directly in front of you.
Ruby >>> Red >>> The Dancer >>> Muscle Memory >>> When brought to its apex you are able to perform any action that you can think of perfectly, as long as your body is capable of performing the action.. >>> If you become Glass you become someone with nobody control at all.
Cassiterite >>> Brown >>> The Needle >>> Focus >>> When brought to its apex your concentration never wavers from what you are currently working on. >>> If you become Glass you can not think about a single thing for more than the briefest of periods.
Tier 1 = School of Lords
Tier 2 = School of Initiates
Tier 3 = School of Commoners
1 Common Gemstone = 1 Common = 10 Tens = 100 Honey
Cave Diver''s Rules for each type of helmed
Sponges, whenever you tag someone they have to count to five before they can start going back to their base.
Puzzlers, you are allowed to make one person per game go back to their base without touching them as long as you get to within 10 feet of them.
Controllers, you are allowed to take control of any Glass Emeralds that are playing.
Dreamers, you are allowed to start anywhere as long as it''s the same distance away from the start of the maze as your base
Vaults, you are allowed to pass through a single wall during the game.
Hounds, once per game you can make somebody drop the ball.
Dancers, you are allowed to start 10 feet closer to the maze than everybody else.
Needles, you are allowed to ignore being tagged once during the game.
Glass Emerald, your Controller is allowed to choose two more colors for you.
Here is what a random court looks like for a Cave Diver match