11. Silent Suicide
For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come.
—William Shakespeare,
Hamlet, Act 3: Scene 1
The die is cast; the family unit
Is broken into splinters.
The only pillars of my strength
Now drift apart along the length
Of clenching ruthless fingers.
The unbreakable vow is shattered
And all my strength goes with it;
The only thing awaiting me
(When everywhere I look to see)
Is death and screams within it.
This world I see is dead to me,
Burnt to a smokeless ember;
For no more love and only hate
Shall be the ending of my fate,
Which no one shall remember.Support creative writers by reading their stories on Royal Road, not stolen versions.
So in my darkest hours of silence,
When everyone is dead,
I scratch my name from off the page
Of destiny within my rage
Of solitary dread.
No fate shall follow at my heels
And keep me company,
Because my world is my inferno,
In which my sufferings will earn no
Reprieve or set me free.
In silent brooding on my fate,
I''ll take myself away
T'' extinguish out the burning fires,
Compelling me in my desires
To end my life this day.
No longer shall I breathe the air
Of living happiness,
So long as hatred still exists,
So long as foul contempt persists,
So long as there''s distress.
The air I breathe is rank with hate,
With anger, fear, regret,
From which I cannot seem to ''scape,
Except within a dreaming landscape
Free of the looming threat.
And so in silence shall I sleep
And never rise again;
I''ll sleep the endless sleep of death
When the long sigh of my last breath
Will cut my silver chain.
In outer darkness shall I wander
In endless dreams tonight,
When all my soul is free from pain;
The only thing that will remain
Is seeking out that light.