Chapter 772
Ms. Delia knew about konjac<hr>
Ms. Delia certainly was on the slender side, like a model. Which helped to exin her swift movements.
“Konjac? Rare?”
“Uh, you know about it, Ms. Delica?”
“Huh? Oh, they made it in the vige with the potatoes grown in the fields. I ate them a lot as a child.”
“I see…”
“So they were grown in your vige.”
As there was a lot of trade in Ractos, I knew it muste from somewhere…but apparently, it was from Ms. Delia’s vige.
Perhaps there were other viges that grew them as well.“Hearing about them makes me hungry.”
“Aren’t you a little bored of them by now?”
“Well, they were very delicious when cooked by the grandmothers. That being said, they can also be eaten without cooking them.”
Normally, if you ate it raw, there was a harshness to it. And so you would boil it first…
But then again, it was probably different in this world.
“That’s right. I think I know where they would be selling it… Before leaving the vige, they told me where their konjac was sold. And that I should visit it if I get hungry.”
“Huh… So the konjac sold here really is from yu vige. But you sounded like you weren’t sure?”
“Yes, as this is my first timeing here. I heard about where it was, but don’t know it exactly…”
In that case, we might have to ask some people who live here in order to learn the exact location.
ire looked like she wanted to run towards it right away, so we should probably go soon.
She really did not need to be so enthusiastic about dieting… Still, I was not sensitive to such things, and would not be very persuasive.
“Ah, I see. In that case, maybe you should ask Ms. Lyra?”
“Me? Yes, I do know quite a lot about this town… As long as it is not inside of the slums, I should be able to guide you.”
“I also know a lot about Ractos… It is necessary, since I am a butler. But Lyra is… Tsk.”
I recalled the time when someone had thrown a rock at Liza, and how Ms. Lyra had helped by guiding us through the town.
She was raised here, after all.
Sebastian looked a little annoyed that he couldn’t do it. As if he had not exined enough already today.
“I’m also from the orphanage and know a lot about this town…”
For some reason, Phillip was acting like he had been slighted…
“Phillip, you left the orphanage quite earlypared to Lyra, didn’t you? You were training with the master… And the town has changed since then. Besides, you are on guard duty, so you must remain cautious.”
“Johanna… Well, it’s true that things have changed since then. That being said, I don’t know if we are even necessary with Leo and Ms. Delia here.”
“Still, it is our role.”
It was no surprise that he would have doubts, after seeing what Ms. Delia did recently. And with Leo with us. It was important to have trained humans protecting us as well. Surely.
“In any case, I think Ms. Delia and Ms. Lyra working together will get us there the quickest.”
“We can finally eat the konjac then! I’m looking forward to it!”
“Uh, ire…it’s not like eating it alone will make you lose wait. So please don’t expect too much…”
Leo, Liza, Sherry and Tilura were clearly not interested in any of this.
Though, Sherry had lost plenty of weight after all the running that Leo made her do. So her dieting would likely end soon.