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MillionNovel > Husband of the Goblin Tribe > [v2] Chapter Thirty-three – In which Ark endeavors to keep his promises.

[v2] Chapter Thirty-three – In which Ark endeavors to keep his promises.

    [v2] Chapter Thirty-three – In which Ark endeavors to keep his promises.

    The situation with Crow is heart-wrenching. Do I dare to think I canprehend what she’s going through right now, being so young and bing disabled? I dare not. Berry may have broken my arm, and somehow it became a goblin arm when Lumi healed it, but at least it’s functional. The same cannot be said about Crow’s leg. There is no modern science to repair it. Between Dara and I… we could probably somehow create a prosthetic, but that would also mean her leg would need to be amputated. There was also the matter of a leg brace, but I wasn’tpletely sure about how to go about creating it.

    I stayed by Crow’s side whenever possible over the next week, receiving help from Toy and Lily, stating that they were my n, and that if I wished to make Crow’s troubles my own, then they would help me shoulder the burden. Diana Artemis also helped out, doing a little extra hunting so that Crow wouldn’t need to worry about hunting her own food.

    For the first couple of days, Crow was in and out of consciousness thanks to Truffle’s color-spin-think powder. What caused Crow to refuse taking any more of the drug was when Button, ce, Figurine, and Nova all came into the room on the third day afterwards to deliver a message to Crow when she was awake.

    I had assumed Magpie was avoiding seeing her mother like this. Or maybe she didn’t want to see me because I was in Crow’s cave-hole for long periods of time.

    I was wrong.

    The message my daughters delivered was to inform Crow that Magpie had run away.

    While there were words left behind for Crow. There were none left for me.

    Before I could feel any anger or guilt at her actions, my children informed me that Magpie’s decision was something they all supported. If any goblin among them had the knowledge and skillset to survive outside of Goblinhome without support, it was Magpie. Now that the Bloodmaw were increasing in number, my gathered children felt that it was a smart move to have Magpie see if she could make a ce for herself among the many<i>civilized</i>races that I have spoken to them at length about. If it was possible that she could be epted, then there was a chance that Goblinhome wouldn’t need to remain isted forever.

    I also hoped for something like this, but not so soon. Not with a goblin so young. Magpie was still my daughter, and I still thought of her as a child. Obviously, I was extremely worried. Crow, on the other hand, seemed satisfied with the decision our daughter made.

    “Crow taught Magpie the way of the Sneaky n. Magpie is cautious and won’t die easily.”

    I want to believe that as well. It was just that seeing how easily Diana Artemis… handled her the other day. Then again, Diana Artemis is also something like a massive wall for my other daughters to measure themselves up against.

    Not just them, but me as well. I haven’t forgotten how easily she subdued me during her Blood Fury, and how even if ce hadn’t shackled me to Diana’s bed with magic, I still might not have actually been able to avoid what happened to me that night…

    I guess, as a father, I have to just trust and believe that Crow and I have taught her the most important things she needs to know and that it will have to be enough as she makes her own way into the world.

    What didn’t get mentioned with any specifics was how she left Goblinhome, but I’m fairly certain it involved Cobi and those Kobolds in some manner. I felt a strange kinship with him, as if he and I weren’t entirely unalike in how we dealt with the overbearing women in our lives. For him, six Kobolds. For me, a menagerie that will only continue to grow. If she went with them, as I figure she had, I felt confident they would see her safely to whatever town they ventured from.

    With any luck, it might be Thorn.

    Though, that might also be a bad option. Remembering what the Great Protector said to me about not having killed Kairos… it’s entirely possible she mighte across him. If she somehow mentions my name or that I’m here in this forest…

    No. I’d rather not think of what would happen were<i>she</i>to find out.

    And by<i>she</i>, yes, I mean my dear old mother in this world… Salondra Wyze.


    The day after my children brought news of Magpie’s departure, Prima hade to visit Crow. The matter was exactly what I expected it to be about. Crow’s… disability.

    Crow was also one of the few goblins not pregnant currently… I think.

    So, Prima came with an ultimatum for her.

    “It would be stupid to die when you could still make many strong-ones for the tribe. Even if you cannot teach them to hunt, there are others who can. In that way, you will still be useful.”

    I hadn’t considered that Crow thought to die so that she wasn’t a burden, but that’s also because I wasn’t thinking like a goblin. I mean, Prima’s mercy for Vera back then was to have me forcefully breed her, thinking her incapable of contributing to the tribe… or being able to take care of herself in any meaningful way other than that. So, it really shouldn’t havee as a surprise that she would say this to Crow.

    I could even see the look in Prima’s eyes, as if she was expecting me to challenge her right now on this, what is clearly a basic matter to the Bloodmaw, and intrinsic to the<i>goblin way</i>.

    I didn’t.

    “Not going to call me a monster, Ark? Or threaten to bring our home down?”

    I shook my head.

    “No. I think I’ll be the monster this time.”


    “Yes. I’ll keep her belly full of goblins, even if she wants to refuse me. However, I will also need to make some changes to Goblinhome. She might not have use of one leg anymore, but she still has another perfectly good one, and I intend to make a way for her to be mobile again.”

    I stared at Crow for a moment.

    “I don’t know if I misunderstood what happened just now, but whether I did or not doesn’t matter. I have no intention of letting you die, Crow. I am your Husband, and if there is a way to keep you living, then I will do it even if youe to hate me for it.”

    Prima crossed her arms.

    “Then make whatever changes you need. As long as her belly is fat, I have nothing to else to say.”

    Prima then left the room, and us, alone once more.

    Crow remained quiet for a while, before eventually speaking to me.

    “Husband… still wants to make strong-ones with Crow now that she is a weak-one?”


    “You aren’t a weak-one. Surviving that attack… living on… that’s proof that you are a strong-one, Crow. I hear it from Prima… Old One… even Diana Artemis more times than I care to.<i>Weak-ones die so that strong-ones can live</i>. Together with everyone, you hunted fifteen ck-ws, captured two more for us to raise and breed, and even the damn Jaguar that got you was killed by Button. No one important died. No one needs to feel sad over losing a sister like they did for Beast-talker.”

    “Beast-talker still has all her bones.”

    “She does, but the trade-off is that she can’t make strong-ones anymore.”

    Crow touched her belly thoughtfully for a moment.

    “Do you think Crow will ever walk again?”

    “Maybe not the same as you once did, but I don’t think it’s impossible.”

    “…Then Crow trusts Husband. Only Husband cleans my shit and piss, takes me to the bath and washes me, brings me food, stays to eat with me…”

    “What about Lily and Toy?”

    Crow didn’t reply. I know that both Lily and Toy have kept an eye on Crow when I had things that needing doing around Goblinhome that pulled me away from her side. Which means we both know she’s embellishing some facts here.


    There was truth to what she said.

    I took care of her when she unintentionally soiled herself while under the medicated effects of color-spin-think powder. I scooped her up as carefully as I could and brought her to the bath, letting her soak in the warm water draped over myp, scooping handfuls of it and gently washing her skin and hair, and, yes, I ate with her in her cave… going so far as to borrow Melon’s Kitchen in order to make some easy-to-digest food. Raw when applicable.

    While I know I would do the same for any other of my goblin wives, and most certainly my daughters were this kind of life altering injury befall them, I’ve often thought that Crow… was something like the kind of wife I might have wound up with in my previous life. An otherwise unassuming woman who for some reason found me to be… enjoyable to be around.

    Nothing excessive.

    Just someone to enjoy passing the time of life with.

    She’s fine with me caring for her, but she also has a private side to herself that she is unwilling to show mepletely. And that’s okay. I won’t press her about it. I won’t try and force her to be n with me. I’m fine just co-existing with her and continuing to put little goblin children inside of her belly, because that’s also what she wants from me.

    So as time passed, I began renovating her cave to make way for her to be able to move about both it, and with the permission I obtained from Prima, Goblinhome.

    Small rails were created along the walls so that she could leverage her weight and hop-step through the main thoroughfare. Small pirs with handles in certain ces allowed her to enter cave-holes while not getting in everyone else’s way, locations such as the breeding room so she could take baths on her own, or to enter Melon’s Kitchen or the shit-pit. Independence is a very ingrained trait in a goblin, and Crow was<i>very</i>goblin to begin with.

    While Crow was the main focus of my time, I had made other promises that needed to be kept.

    I promised to teach Button the Fist of the Hungry Wolf. So, in our ce of practice in the nearby forest, we fought. I taught her the Cracking Shot, the Burning Knuckle, and the Geyser of Power. And once more Button grew stronger. Button also wanted my attention as a man, and I, having opened Pandora’s Box with her, didn’t refuse. Thankfully, she was fine with the method we had used before.

    But… I’m starting to think that my so-called big-seed is doing strange things to these girls.

    Back at Goblinhome, Krushka and Rushk had been patient in waiting for the reward I promised them for doing an excellent job nting the seeds Cobi had brought us. Krushka’s request was simple enough. She just wanted to spend time with me and drink.

    For as big as she is, and Krushka is the biggest and tallest Orc out of all four, with my forehead just about reaching the front of her corbone, she’s rather straightforward about her wants and needs from me, as her War-chief Husband.

    She even had her own stash of<i>blue water</i>. The only thing missing was my participation.

    She was curious about my life and how it led me to bing the goblin War-chief that I apparently am. I opened up in exchange for learning about the art on her<i>mams</i>. We slowly drained the jar of<i>blue water</i>as we told each other our stories. Krushka, having been a war-bride multiple times, is domestically-oriented. She has given birth and raised a number of children. She’s skilled in cooking, making clothes, and child-rearing. While she<i>can</i>fight, she’s not formally trained in anything. It’s more like, she can grab a branch and give someone hell with a few whacks with it.

    Of the people she was a war-bride to, she said most of them were tolerable. The worst one was her most recent. He was too arrogant for her liking, and not good enough in the sack to warrant it. He also eyed one of her daughterssciviously and sent her youngest son who was still rather young to a war-camp to be taught to fight for a lesser chieftain’s army who he was aligned with. While it sounded terrible, it was rather standard where orc society was concerned.

    I spoke about my life as the son of a famous magician, not going too in-depth about how famous she was, growing up in her shadow, learning magic, often being a disappointment to her. My time spent at the academy never making much progress in the realm of formic magic and spending my time learning the ins and outs of being a force magician, which I enjoyed immensely.

    She asked if our child when it came would know how to use magic.

    I didn’t have an answer, but I said there was a good chance it might. That seemed to please her. There weren’t really orc magicians. Orcs became Shaman, and that was it. Whether their magic was of a divine or arcane origin wasn’t of particr importance.

    Being a Shaman to an orc was like having a guaranteed career as a civil servant. She spoke much like a mother who wanted her children to have a good shot at sess in their lives, and I couldn’t help but think of her as being far from uncivilized, as orcs often were thought of as.

    We both became rather tipsy. I wasn’t very good at consuming alcohol, but I think Krushka was worse. She was quick to get naked and we had an egregious amount of violent and sloppy sex. But that’s her nature, I suppose. She was able to vent whatever frustrations she must have rued recently, and after a few healthy doses of my liquid calming agent, she was soonfortably out cold.

    I stayed with her for a while, not wanting to just abandon her right away, but as was the case, I inevitably had to go. This had all happened the first night after Crow had been brought back.

    Rushk was willing to wait for the next day, at which point the reward she wanted was a little more practical. Rushk, while having been partially goblinized as well as showing a bump indicating she was for sure carrying a goblin strong-one inside of her, was looking for something to do to feel useful.

    She had lived a somewhat sheltered life, with her only real interest to be found in learning speary. When spears are involved, my immediate thought would be to point her in Prima’s direction. Turns out, that was exactly what needed to happen.

    Rushk is by no means a hunter, but Prima was more than willing to teach her the ropes.

    I had even gone on a hunt with them, though the only thing I had to offer was the limitednd-based magic I could use with the Topaz stone, since my Quartz Focus Orb had been integrated into my youngest daughter, Selene Hecate.

    After a sessful hunt, nothing too crazy, just some blue-haired foxes, the two of them tore right into one almost immediately after securing the kill. Rushk seems to enjoy both cooked and raw meat. Thetter being an adjustment due to her bing part goblin.

    I didn’t judge.

    I also didn’t judge when Prima helped instigate a post-meal rape.

    Rushk was a little apologetic afterwards, but she was also in a much better mood. Seeing that, I also was happy. After that, in the early mornings that followed, Prima could be found sparring with Rushk with spears, not being too overbearing.

    I actually got an earful from Nova about how Prima never let her off easily when it came to sparring.

    But that’s how it is sometimes…

    Mint, who was reclusive ever since the incident where I turned into the Monster, had begun to show herself more often now that the field had been nted. Maybe it was due to her position in the tribe as its [Bloody Druid], but she was often found there just…<i>doing things</i>.

    I worried that whatever trauma I caused her was longsting, but she assured me that she would be fine eventually. She also said she had acquired some… ability that would allow her to cultivate the field and that she hoped it would produce some beneficial results soon.

    I would have expected to find Ebony by her side, but no. Ebony was busy with other matters. Matters in the form of one young goblin strong-one with far too much destructive power on tap.


    Ebony was teaching Selene Hecate how to use magic.

    I figured for sure it would have been ce getting involved with the matter at Diana’s behest, but no. Ebony, as it turns out, possesses true Bloodmaw Magic. Selene Hecate apparently doesn’t need to use Runes or Forms to cast magic at all.

    I feel like there needed to be someone with a rational mind to oversee this strange mentor-mentee rtionship, but Ebony assured me that she was a very capable big-sister goblin, and that she had it all under control.

    Naturally, I didn’t believe that for a fucking second.

    But, true to her word, Selene Hecate seemed to look up to Ebony and along with Bitey and Beastie, those four went out into the forest on a hunt, with Diana asionally keeping an eye on things after all.

    With all the business of my days in the past week nowing to a head, I found myself visiting Truffle at longst. I wanted to keep my promise to repay her for her help with Crow. She had been working on a new strain of her mushroom powder, and with a small bit of reluctance… we indulged.

    Unlike with Button, I didn’t experience anything too… strange. It was quite enjoyable. I had be a mushroom, and Truffle was a mushroom… even Button was there, and she was a mushroom! I somehow did a spore-dance and all the mushrooms were happy.

    When I came to, Truffle was in my arms, caressing my face and grinning.

    “Husband. It’s time again.”

    Yes. Another mushroom-goblin was about toe into the world.
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