In a world where supernatural beings and human coexist together...Luke was a shy and quiet kid in highschool often picked by others because he wasn''t like his sister. He was born human while his sister Jessica was a wolf, something he gets jealous off even if he doesn''t admit it. But one night changed his life forever, he disappears one night and returns as a Lycan, a more powerful being than a werewolf, something that changed his life forever.----------------------------Mia lived her whole live stuck in her house being homeschooled until the last year of high school, since Mia beg her mother to let her go.In her last year of high school, she will have to experience what it feels like to be in a place full of people her age.What will happen when two worlds collide?...
In a world where supernatural beings and human coexist together...Luke was a shy and quiet kid in highschool often picked by others because he wasn''t like his sister. He was born human while his sister Jessica was a wolf, something he gets jealous off even if he doesn''t admit it. But one night changed his life forever, he disappears one night and returns as a Lycan, a more powerful being than a werewolf, something that changed his life forever.----------------------------Mia lived her whole live stuck in her house being homeschooled until the last year of high school, since Mia beg her mother to let her go.In her last year of high school, she will have to experience what it feels like to be in a place full of people her age.What will happen when two worlds collide?......