* * * INTERLUDE 1 * * *
Andy and Fleur watched the evaluation group head out of their domain. Fleur licked her lips nervously, ? That was scary Andy, no that was terrifying, and don’t ever tell your defenders not to fight ever again. ? Fleur looked at the boss badger, ? I think we should name him after we reset our dungeon, then summon a few more and if possible a mage. ?
? Yes dear, why a mage? ?
Fleur blushed, ? Defensive magics, to give them time to act when a mage heavy group comes visiting. ?
Andy smiled to himself as he observed his new companion and relished Fleur’s energy and seemingly instinctive identification with him and their future. So he opened his still scant monster files and shared them with his determined little dungeon pixie. He noted with some surprise that the files relating to the ferret had a second option available, and the one for the snake had three. A quick query to the System left him very thoughtful.
Fleur was both happy and a bit disappointed at the possibilities available to them. ? Why so few creatures? And why are so many of the ones you do have so – dangerous? ?
? I was surprised myself. Fleur, the system indicated that as I am – allied – to Blue Lagoon and I bought those templates from her, that I would benefit from any advances she makes to them. Thus the big ferrets and the multitude of snakes, I only bought the basic poisonous one, and now... ?
Fleur looked at the glowing core and tried to consider the pros and cons of such a link. ? I think we need her for now, especially if we’re going to get upgraded monsters. What puzzles me is that none of those evolved monsters needs a dungeon’s domain to exist. ?
? Have you really looked at the blueprints for the Badger and Meerkat folk? The Mary on Earth is studying all about DNA. I doubt anyone without that specialised knowledge will be able to do what she can anytime soon. Dave is looking into some Internet courses for our benefit. ?
Fleur slowly sank to the floor and settled cross-legged as she studied. ? Wait, what... Earth? Dave? What! ?
And so Andy and Fleur resumed getting to know one another, something the Veterans had interrupted.
They both cooperated as they populated the first three floors adding a bit of variety and a few new traps. Then they had to wait to build up the manna needed to continue with their task.
* * * INTERLUDE 2 * * *
Linny woke in a hospital bed, she was suffering from the first stages of withdrawal and looked about frantically, she had to get home and raid her stash. She dismissed the weird memories that presented themselves as irrelevant. Just a bad trip.
She struggled weakly as a nurse pushed her back into her bed. The presence of the police woman served to sober her and focus her attention. There was something scary about what she was saying though only a few parts stuck in her head.
“... Under arrest ... fingerprints on .... drugs found .... school .... anything you may say ...”
Linny was desperate... maybe if she sounded crazy... so she started telling the uniformed bitch about everything she remembered about her bad trip.
* * *
Linny Thomas the dungeon recoiled from the memories she was getting from her other self, yes she’d been heavily into weed and she had done some coke at parties but... but this was scary and horrifying. Then she felt Briarthorn’s comforting presence comforting and supporting her. Slowly she came to terms with her situation. Maybe she could save her other self even if she didn’t like who she had become. No wonder that other girl – no dungeon had recoiled when her memories had come back.
Briarthorn felt hopeful, Linny was still pliable and if he was careful she could still become a dungeon to be proud off. He felt that having a responsive dungeon could only be an advantage. The problem was the wreck his companion had become back on her home planet. If they could redeem her well and good. If not then maybe it would be possible to sever the link.This tale has been unlawfully lifted without the author''s consent. Report any appearances on Amazon.
? Shit! She’s going to prison, the cops have the goods on her. That boyfriend she found did her no favour by throwing that bag of drugs in the school’s playground. Oh well, that will complicate things. Briarthorn what did that hell bitch’s tiger man mean by a paladin of Hel-Arlizzy? And do you have any idea who she might be? ?
Briarthorn considered briefly and decided that the truth wouldn’t hurt, it might even help. “Hel-Arlizzy was the god of dungeons before the high gods took that post from him and gave it to Azurea. I suspect that he is finally trying to regain his position. Azurea must have made a mistake that’s given him a chance. A paladin is a God’s acknowledged champion. As for the dungeon who acted so untraditionally and with such contempt for the adventurer’s guild; I honestly don’t know. She has to be one of the Godlike dungeons. That crystal she used reeked of divine manna, manna she was manipulating with ease.”
? Well lets fix up our challenges and defences, then will you help me to see if I can do something about that other Linny. Funny I think we are diverging, it’s like I – we will end up two different people. And I think, feel that might be good for one or both of us. How many Godlike dungeons are there? ?
“Of course I’ll help. But you do realize we might be forced to sever your soul link if nothing works. As it stands she can only weaken you. There are four Godlike’s,” Briarthorn consulted the System again and continued, “they are Skylark Meadows who’s intelligence is named Kai Lung, Hell Pit aka Steel Wolf, Ice Crags with Queenie, and Blue Lagoon with Mary Silvestre”.
* * *
Tiny Baczkowski had been picked up when his fingerprints had turned up on the bag of drugs that had been handed in by one of the students of the Stateside Junior School.
Tiny was desperate, this was his third arrest for possession and distribution of drugs. So he threw his girlfriend to the wolves and went for a plea bargain. He consoled himself with the thought that this would be Linny’s first arrest for distribution and anyway it really was Linny who had procured the heroin and was selling it. He knew enough about Linny’s business to seal her fate and set hounds sniffing after a couple of rather big ruthless fish.
* * * INTERLUDE 3 * * *
Dave looked at Maddy again as they waited in the queue for the ferry to Calais. The tactic had worked with Mary, and they hoped it would help with Markus. They were fairly sure Elizabeth Dreyfus in Queensland, Australia was also one of their exclusive number, just like Markus and Mary, but they wanted to be sure. Maybe after they spoke to Markus they’d take a trip to Oz.
Markus meanwhile had thrashed everything out with his immediate family, he was only believed because of the collaboration granted by the System as it – helpfully – tried to get Markus and his clan settled so that Markus could put down roots and establish his dungeon.
His Brother Lutz had come for the weekend and was now back in his bank in London. His girlfriend however was now his ex girlfriend. Thankfully his little sister’s best friend had not become an Imp of the Perverse. Asa had managed to persuade Pia to say no to that. It certainly didn’t help that Pia’s father was now calling her one.
So far, Lutz was satisfied and made his choice. Personally Markus thought that he was going to regret choosing Seer. His mother had jumped on Hausfrau and though he didn’t understand it suited her and she was more assertive and cheerful than ever before. As for his father, he was still waffling.
As for Asa, he shuddered to think what the System intended when it suggested Weinprinzessin.
So, all things considered the phone call from the English couple came as a welcome relief. Once they were all settled around his parent’s dining table. The conversation started to get strange as they were finishing the Blumenkohlsuppe. It became obvious that their situation was similar but not the same and that two different worlds were involved. Asa took advantage of the adult’s distraction to discard her carrots and peas and grab a second thick slice of Falscher Hase and another dose of Rotkohl.
They shared ideas and experiences. Dave and Maddy were worried at the news that Diavlo had died and finally over the sweet they told the Wrangels about Mary, both Marys.
As for Asa, well she didn’t want her ice cream, which worried her mother.
* * * INTERLUDE 4 * * *
Hell’s Mouth contemplated his domain with satisfaction. His dungeon was now firmly established. He still had those miserable goblins on his first few levels, He had invited a tribe of desert orcs to establish themselves on the next to levels. Then he had skeletons and zombies. A few ghouls and death knights down to his eighth level which he had set up to look like his final level.
He and Arbogar had summoned a succubus and sent her hunting and Dokratus was the result. Yvguhhvdhuj had fulfilled her orders to perfection, a simpleminded soul with an affinity to darkness. They had placed him in another prepared gem and created a bound dungeon core to lord it over the first eight levels of his dungeon.
Dokratus was their faithful slave, and he lacked the intelligence, and the will to cause trouble.
Monsters ready, treasure ready, and generous. And most important of all, their decoy was ready and in place.
Below the eighth level, well lets just say that the demons and undead grew thicker and more powerful and if discovered would prove problematic.
So far they’d just killed anyone who found them, now that was going to change. Hell’s Mouth wanted a dungeon town. He and Arbogar had plans. It would take decades but they would be a major power for evil again.
Hell’s Mouth had grandiose dreams of a demon empire, with himself as ruler and Arbogar as his right hand wraith.