* * * AMBUILA – MARY * * *
Mary set about the now usual task of setting up a new domain and home. She migrated her original claim away from the coast. At about ten kilometres from the shore she came across two barren rocky islands. They were devoid of fresh water and looked to be the remains of a long extinct volcano.
Whilst not happy with her location, mainly because of the paucity of life she found in the local sea. It just seemed unnatural and she worried as to the reason for the lack. Anyway she moved further out to sea and extended her domain ensuring that she included both islands.
Then when she created her usual guardians in the seas she was surprised at the cost. Especially of fertile creatures, out of curiosity she tried calling up an infertile guardian. It proved to be far, far cheaper than a fertile example.
Mary retreated to her new temp core and examined all the creatures that were to be found in her domain. Only about twenty percent of them were fertile.
Mary pondered. ‘What are the new idiots up to here? This seems to be an ecological disaster in full swing. How the beep can I save the seas. An’ what the beep are the local sea gods up to?’
With a few more muttered complaints she set to work shaping the two small isles into one larger island with a good sheltered harbour and two fresh water springs. Next Mary shaped a small walled town and assorted vegetation to the isle.
‘I’ll have to put out a call for volunteers. Tryin’ to create locals is gonna be idiotically expensive. Kay, just one more thin’ to do now.’
After checking out the local Dungeon Exchange Mary moved herself into the local god’s realm and looked around in surprise. At first sight, the place looked empty. Then she located a frail looking god, or at least she assumed it was a god.
? Hi, who are you and what is going on? Which idiot deity got the daft idea of the infertility? ?
The bent, elderly looking godlet peered up at Mary incredulous. He shuffled backward.
? I am Sakapata, god of smallpox and madness. Now who are you pale one? You stink of water and salt. ?
? Charmed! How nice ta meetcha. Yeah the sea’s my thing. Now what is goin’ on with this world? ?
Sakapata shuffled back another step and then attempted to straighten himself. He sneered – rather unsuccessfully – and wilted when Mary didn’t react.
? The great Sentssonwi’tsna’wa came to us from the Great Gods... ?
? Those twits! How could anyone be so stupid as to do anything they suggest? ?
Sakapata started and began to tremble. Then he drew himself up again.
? The great Sentssonwi’tsna’wa came to us from the south with the word of the Great Gods. And he showed us the evils of overpopulation. So he rallied those of us that listened to his holy message, and we all lay a blessing of infertility upon the world. ?
? So now, thanks to your curse, the world is dying. And you lot are weakened by the lack of followers. Lovely! Idiots! What of those of the gods that did not listen? ?
Sakapata puffed up his chest with pride. ? The great Sentssonwi’tsna’wa called on his kin. Then they led us in a war against the deniers. We killed them. ?
? Beep! I take it the gods of fertility and agriculture were amongst those killed. ?
? Yes. After all they led the rebellion. ?
Mary exited the god’s realm in disgust and returned to a more clement world to make plans.
Blue Lagoon: This place looks dead. Hey, anybody out there?
Stillwater: Oh, you’re new. I’m Katie. Welcome to dullsville.Support the creativity of authors by visiting the original site for this novel and more.
Blackrock: Yeah dullsville’s right. Not many people around here. And I’m Fin.
Unamed (Tammy O’Hare): Hi, I just woke up. Thanks again Mother of Monsters.
Blue Lagoon: You’re welcome Tammy. Call if you need help, I’m just offshore of you.
Unamed (Tammy O’Hare): What is going on round here. The only humans I ever saw were a bunch that filed their teeth and wanted my core. At least my companion Moonbright tells me they’re the first.
Blackrock: Two new dungeons that are willing to talk. Hey welcome. God it’s boring around here.
Ulruk’s Gift (cmp): The locals have been cursed with infertility. They are dying out. And so will we if we do not somehow become self sufficient.
Blue Lagoon: Thanks for the warnin’. I had figured that out, but it is good to have confirmation.
Stillwater: You’re a Godlike! How?
Unamed (Tammy O’Hare): Mother of Monsters isn’t a local. She has dungeons on at least two other worlds.
Roy was mooching around on the docks when the Alessandrina’s Glory arrived. She was a black coloured rakish looking brig with a fore and aft rig. After she docked she discharged a surprising number of passengers.
Roy asked one of the stevedores he had befriended, “I haven’t seen any ship discharge so many passengers before. Is that normal?”
“Tomcat specialises on small high value items, and that led to a lot of demand from potential passengers.”
Gaardan looked at him incredulously. “Fast ship, high value cargoes. That means she’s well armed and has guards aboard. Only natural rich guys want to ride along.”
Roy watched for a bit longer before making his way to the Alessandrina’s Glory. Tomcat proved to be a cat beastfolk. He readily confirmed that he was here to pick them up. Then he excused himself, explaining that he had to visit the temple. He left the ship with a young woman who was carrying a cat eared baby on her back in some kind of basic cloth cradle.
Roy made his way back to the inn to tell the captain that their ride had arrived and that Tomcat planned to sail with the tide on the following day.
* * *
‘With the tide’ turned out to mean one hour after dawn. So after a very early morning they repaired aboard the Alessandrina’s Glory. It turned out the woman was Clarrina, Tomcat’s wife. Her baby, Tommy, was an instant hit with Helli and Cas.
Clarrina looked very like Helli, in fact, they looked like sisters.
They weren’t the only passengers but they all got cabins, though most of them had to double up.
Tomcat had explained that it would be a three-day journey to Lafunda, where they would lay over for a day. Then they would have a two or three day trip to Varina’s Beach for another overnight stay. Then they would set course for Maalea Two. Another three-day journey.
The weather was clement and they made good time. The Alessandrina’s Glory held several surprises for them. The hull and masts were not made of wood but of some kind of artificial material. And she was electrified. Tomcat ran a generator to recharge a series of batteries daily. And she relied on a sophisticated GPS for navigation.
Lafunda turned out to be located at the head of the delta of a large river, very like the Mississippi and its delta. The river was not as big but it came close. Lafunda however was nothing like New Orleans past or present, being a mid sized walled city surrounded by small forts.
Most of the passengers left the ship once they docked. Tomcat and his wife headed off to the local temple. This time Cas, the Padre, and two guards accompanied them. The feds went off exploring and the rest of the escort did likewise in groups of two and three. Well a mix of liberty and exploration.
Roy went with Gunny. They visited the local market and some of the local shops. Roy picked up two jewelled bracelets.
“How come you have all that cash?” asked Gunny.
“This is my second visit, so I bought a supply of cash before I came this time.”
Gunny looked at him speculatively. “Where can one buy Parthian local currency on Earth?”
“Blue Lagoon sells it. In fact if you check your coins you’ll see Blue Lagoon minted it. MagiTech acts as Blue Lagoon’s agent,” explained Roy.
“What exactly is Blue Lagoon?”
Roy slowed as he thought, “Good question. I’m not sure. I used to think it was just a – a super powered dungeon. A weird dungeon. And that Ms Silvestre was somehow linked to it. Now I’m not sure. The locals seem to believe Ms Silvestre to be a minor goddess.”
“What, like the ancient Egyptians thought their Pharaoh was a god?” inquired Gunny.
Roy rubbed his chin, “Possibly... But I suspect – something more. Tell me Gunny, did you get a look at that GPS repeater?”
Gunny suddenly looked more serious. “Yes, it looks cutting edge.”
By the time the two men got back to the ship Gunny had picked up an enchanted fighting knife and they were friends.
* * *
The following day they picked up some eight new passengers, one, a cat beastfolk that seemed to be of the same breed as Tomcat had a small mob of important, or at least prosperous looking people seeing him off.
The first passenger to board was another beastfolk. He somehow reminded Roy of an otter. He paid his passage and went directly to Tomcat. Roy was close enough to overhear their conversation.
“Excuse me captain, can my friend fetch a pair of cages aboard. We were hoping to persuade your lady to aid us and give a chance at the boon so many others have benefitted from.”
Tomcat looked at the man with understanding. “You have a breeding pair of otters then. Certainly, they are small creatures. Do you want to keep them in your cabin or in the hold?”
“Well yes. And also of weasels. For my friend. Well we are fetching two pairs of each, just in case. Much as we’d like it I suspect that your cabins are too small for the two of us and the two cages,” offered the embarrassed looking otter man.
“True. I’ll arrange it so you have a spot in the hold and access so you may look after your charges,” confirmed Tomcat.