As Alex stood on the deck of ''King'', his admittedly cringe-named ship, he held Virtue''s Edge in his hand, as he opened its details.
[Virtue''s Edge]
[E rank (Growth type)]
[Ordinary ss (Growth type)]
[A sword like no other. This de was forged by Mikhail, a grandmaster swordsmith as his final work before he disappeared, never to be seen again. Forged in the heart of a volcano, it is particrly fond of the fire element.]n/?/vel/b//in dot c//om
[F tier effect - Whenbined with the fire element, the power produced with each sh will be doubled.]
He read through the details, proud of its growth already as its rank would soon catch up to his own with enough time spent on the battlefield.
But he was a little disappointed at the fact that its ss hadn''t grown yet, as well as the fact that no E tier effect had appeared.
But he had a pretty good guess why a second effect hadn''t appeared yet, and the answer was a rather simple on.
The F tier effect only appeared when the sword reached F+ rank, although he didn''t know this at the time because itpletely skipped F rank, jumping from F- to F+ with its first kill imed.
But now, after hitting E rank, Alex began to understand more of how its functions worked.
It seemed he would only gain a new E tier effect when its growth reached the peak of such tier, so he would only receive his next upgrade when it reached E+ rank.
And judging by the fact that this would have repeated from F to E tier, there was no doubt in his mind that it would also apply to the higher tiers as well.
It was a little disappointing, because it meant he still had some more upgrading to do, but he was going to be doing that regardless, so it really made no difference to his current ns.
A week had passed since Alex had returned to the main battlefield.
And a lot had happened during this week.
For one, with the chance to finally have a break, thanks to his unnned visit to the Alliance Fleet, he had the chance to check his inventory.
And he was very pleased with what he found inside.
Not only were there over 10 soul orbs sitting there from the fights with the Red Demons he had since he had joined the war, but there were also two very striking Soul orbs that stood out from that bunch.
In total, he had received 12 soul orbs from his first day on the battlefield, and a further 25 in the 7 days following.
He was unluckier in thetter 7 dayspared to the first, as he encountered far less Red Demons, and often times when he did, they would just flee at the sight of him, only if they had the capability to run away from him though.
It seemed word had spread about the newly arrived Human prodigy''s ferocity on the battlefield, though Alex couldn''t have cared less about that.
He had more important things on his mind.
Like the fact that he was about to reach D+ rank.
Yes, those 37 soul orbs in total did be very handy to him, though he only needed to absorb 3 of the highest ranked ones to reach D+ rank, 2 of those being the very striking soul orbs he had received from killing Varkoth''s four elites.
And he was actually very lucky with the final one of them, as he was actually able to activate an effect of his Soulforge talent that he had only experienced once before.
The harvesting of a remnant soul.
Just like his time with the wolf soul orb, he immediately fell into what felt like a deep sleep as soon as he absorbed one of the two elite''s soul orbs.
And he was surprised by who exactly he had upied.
"Selithia, you, Gormak, Rakul, and finally Xulthar will being with me to the battlefield in the Shen Wu system."
When Alex awoke, he found himself inhabiting the body of Selithia, the only female among the elites and also the first Red Demon elite he had killed.
He was unable to enjoy the sensations of inhabiting a female body though, as he found himself thrust into quite a… ''sticky'' scenario.
She, or rather he, was lying down in a bed, without a single piece of clothing in sight, and rather ufortably for Alex, so was Varkoth…
Luckily for him though, it seemed the… session Varkoth and Selithia were having with each other had just ''finished'' before he inhabited her body in the remnant memory.
Though, he was still feeling some odd sensations coursing through his, or rather, her body.
But there was nothing he could do about that, as he was in absolutely zero control of anything when he inhabited these remnant memories.
Rather than being thrust into a world created around a memory fragment, it was more like he was sent into a full dive VR movie where he got to experience everything from the protagonist''s pov.
He had his own thoughts, and the Selithia in the memory had her own too.
After a few minutes passed and the odd sensations Alex was feeling settled down, the scene with Selithia and Varkoth finally advanced to something more than just them lying on the bed and panting, trying to catch their breath.
"Ugh, why do I have to join those brutes? Don''t you know Gormak and Rakul have been lusting over my body ever since they firstid eyes on these luscious curves? I can''t stand the sight of those horny dogs constantly staring me down."
Selithia''s reply was filled with disgust, though some questions were answered for Alex, who was spectating this scene from within Selithia''s mind.
Such as why Gormak and Rakul were so enraged when Alex dealt the killing blow to her.
''So they were in love with her? Or maybe it''s better to say they were lusting over her, considering Selithia''s words just now…''