The tension in the Round table room was suffocating.
Principal Farnes himself sat stiffly in his ce, staring at the flickering holographic disy that had failed to give them any useful data on the massive ship hovering near Saturn.
The rms still red, chaos in the sr system still escted by the second, and all eyes in the room were on him for guidance.
But who could he turn to for guidance?
Principal Farnes really wished he could do that right now…
Then, as if to intensify the looming dread, a bright pulse of energy crackled through the air.
The temperature in the room dropped drastically, and a ripple of power distorted the atmosphere. Principal Farnes tensed, his hand instinctively moving toward his side, but he stopped himself.
He knew something far beyond them was happening.
In a sh, six figures materialised directly into the room.
They stood in perfect formation at the head of the table, towering over the humans present.
Their forms were draped in flowing, almost ethereal robes of iridescent colours that shifted in a hypnotic pattern, making it impossible to focus on their true shapes.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om
Their faces were mostly obscured, but three pairs of eyes—cold, brilliant, and utterly ancient—red down at the gathered humans.
Without hesitation, Principal Farnes tried to scan their auras. His mind reached out, seeking to measure the strength of these new arrivals.
To his dismay, only three of the beings allowed their energy to be felt.
But what he found sent a wave of shock through his body…
S+ rank, Ancient ss.
And that was just the three he could scan, the other three at the forefront remained aplete mystery.
He swallowed hard. The strongest beings humanity had ever produced were merely S rank Mutant ss on average, and that level of power was already enough to shift the bnce of entire wars.
But these Overseers… they were far beyond anything he could have imagined. And the other three? He couldn''t even begin to measure their strength. It was as if they didn''t exist on any scale he knew.
His pulse quickened. If even one of these beings wanted to wipe humanity from existence, there would be nothing they could do to stop it.
One of the Overseers stepped forward, the air humming with suppressed power as he moved. His voice, while still cold and emotionless, was more formal now as he spoke in the Federalnguage.
"We are the Overseers, sent by the Great Collective to make contact with your civilization. You may refer to me as Val."
The lead Overseer said, inclining his head slightly.
"This is merely a courtesy visit. We do not seek war, nor do we desire your destruction."
The room was deathly silent. Principal Farnes felt a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead. He was relieved that their intentions were not hostile—at least, for now—but that did little to ease the gnawing sense of dread in his gut.
"Then why are you here?" Farnes asked, his voice steady, though every fibre of his being was on edge.
"We are in the middle of a war with the Red Demons, and we can''t afford any unexpected circumstances to drop on us on top of that…"
He tried to reason with them, but Val straightened with his robes flowing around him like liquid metal.
"We havee to make an offer. Not to your entire species, but to a single individual."
Farnes frowned.
Another Overseer, revealing just a hint of pale silver skin, spoke up.
"Alex. The one you call the King ss prodigy. He has drawn the attention of the Collective, and we believe he has the potential to ascend far above his current state."
Principal Farnes blinked in confusion.
"Alex? You… want to recruit him? But he''s been missing for months now…"
He feigned ignorance about Alex''s whereabouts, as even his thoughts on the current happenings in the Telorn system were only mere spection.
In fact, he was confused on how these ''Overseers'' even knew about Alex''s existence at all.
Val nodded.
"Indeed. His potential is intriguing to us. If he is left to fester among your kind his talent will only be squandered in the future. With us, he could thrive — be a dominant power in the universe."
Farnes felt his heart pounding harder in his chest.
Recruiting Alex?
The very idea sounded insane.
Alex was not only powerful, but he was also vengeful, unpredictable, and particrly averse to following orders.
Just from the way these alien Overseers carried themselves, he could tell that they and Alex were pr opposites.
But before he made any decisions, he had some things to question.
"What do you want to do with him?"
Farnes asked, making sure to choose his words carefully.
"Why would your Collective be interested in someone like him?"
Val''s eyes grew a bit brighter for a moment.
"Like I said, for his potential. Any more than that is on a need-to-know basis."
Val could sense Farnes pushing back a little and decided to make their stance clear.
They weren''t there to make a statement, they were there to make an offer.
However, Farnes doubled down.
"And what''s in it for us? The Human race as a whole I mean. You want to take one of our most valuable citizens away, so there has to be some sort of price you''re willing to pay. You said you can here for an ''offer'' after all. These kinds of things usually work for both sides of the deal."
Farnes knew that he was probably pushing his luck by asking all these questions, but he had to try it for the sake of the human race.
If they could possibly get something out of these Overseers that could help them in this war, then perhaps epting the offer would be worth it…
Farnes knew Alex, and he knew that he would do the right thing in this case for the sake of the greater good of the Human race.