Val raised his hand, and the air around him shimmered with a strange energy. In an instant, a projection of Alex appeared in the middle of the room, surrounded by the jaggedndscape of Gorath in the Telorn system.
His fierce eyes scanned the unfamiliar faces staring at him in the Round Table room. The tension in the room was evidently clear, but before anyone could speak, Alex''s voice cut through the silence.
Alex was extremely confused by the unknown faces he was seeing in the round table room, particrly the looks on each of the S tier''s faces, even Principal Farnes, which clearly expressed deep concern and even some fear.
However, when Val ryed the same question back to him, Alex only had one thing to say.
"Hell no!"
The room was drenched in a sudden silence.
''What did he just say?''
The S tiers in the room all looked at each other with incredulity.
Their anger simmered, threatening to boil over, but they restrained themselves — barely.
''This is exactly what I was worried about…''
However, contrary to them, Farnes had expected this to happen.
That was why he was so desperate to make the deal without Alex''s involvement.
He knew Alex well enough, and this is exactly what he wanted to avoid the most.
Sadly, the Overseers didn''t give him that chance.
Major General Lyndal clenched her fists as she stepped forward, face flushed with frustration and with pleading eyes.
"Alex, you don''t understand. This isn''t just about you."
She urged.
"The Federation depends on you! If you ept their offer, the war will end. You have to think about the bigger picture, we''re fighting for survival!"
The other S tiers chimed in after seeing Major General Lyndal speak.
Some tried appealing to Alex''s humanity, while others offered reassurances of his eventual return as a hero.
But their voices, filled to the brim with pleas and hope, never reached him.
Unbeknownst to the S tiers, and even Principal Farnes, Val had silently muted their words on Alex''s end.
All he saw was them speaking, but with no wordsing out.
The Overseer''s expression remained impassive as he observed the scene, but when the tension in the room reached a boiling point, he finally spoke.
"Did you forget what I just said?"
Val''s voice was cold as the void.
He cast a nce at the agitated S tiers, his eyes glowing even more mysteriously now.
"I said it has to be of his own choice. Being pressured into epting the offer is not on the table. He must ept it himself."
A sudden wave of power emanated from Val, pressing down on the room like an invisible weight.
It was the first time since the Overseers had arrived that Val had allowed his true aura to re, and it was nothing short of terrifying.
The oppressive force was suffocating, like being submerged in deep, crushing water.
The S tiers who had been pleading with Alex moments earlier fell silent.
Their faces paled as they realised the enormity of the power contained in the one Overseer that stood before them.
This wasn''t the aura of someone in the same rank as them.
It wasn''t even close.
Val''s aura felt like something beyond even S tier…
It was a force so overwhelming it transcended anything they couldprehend.
It was as if they were standing in the presence of a being that existed on a different ne of existence entirely.
Principal Farnes, though shaken, forced himself to stand tall.
He had to maintain some semnce of leadership, despite the crushing power that threatened to break hisposure.
"Lord Val, please—"
But Val raised a hand, silencing him.
He turned his gaze back to Alex, who just looked on confusedly at the scene unfolding before him.
"Is that your final response, young one?"
Alex, however, remained casual in his response despite seeing how even S tiers of his own race reacted to the presence of the mysterious being talking to him.
"I''m in charge of my own future. I''m not gonna let some shiny robes do it for me."
He nced at the destruction he was causing to the Red Demons in the background, continuing.
"Besides, I''ve got my own problems to deal with here."
Val stared at Alex, narrowing his eyes sightly, though whether it was from amusement or frustration was unclear.
The silence that followed Alex''s defiant deration felt as heavy as the atmosphere the Overseer imposed.
The S tiers held their breaths, both in anger and defeat.
They had possibly just lost their only chance to end the war with the Red Demons once and for all.
"You truly are something, Alex."
Val said finally, still carrying that eerie, cosmic cadence.
"Few would dare to speak as you have in our presence."
Alex stood firm, refusing to show the same deference that everyone else in the room had been forced into.
Val tilted his head slightly, a gesture almost too human for a being of his magnitude.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om
"Very well."
Val said.
"If this is your choice, we will not interfere."
Without another word, Val and the other five turned, shimmering and beginning to dissolve like mist caught in the wind.
Just as quickly and auspiciously as they had arrived.
The room was plunged into silence with Val''s disappearance, strangely though, Alex''s projection still floated unevenly in the air above the table.
His figure shimmered slightly, still as casual as ever.
"Looks like your shiny friends took the hint."
He muttered under his breath.
Farnes spoke softly.
"You don''t understand what you''ve done."
Alex raised an eyebrow, clearly unaware of what had humanity''s leaders so down like that.
"I''ve made my choice. Isn''t that what they wanted? Or did I miss something?"
Farnes stepped closer to the holographic projection, face etched with deep weariness.
"You just turned down an offer that could have saved our entire race… The war could have ended today, Alex. The Overseers… they could have ended it all…"