Day 123
They left this morning, and now only Par, his tribe, and I are left. Though I hardly noticed as I spent all day working on the puppet.
My breaks got shorter when I realized I could eat the newly improved berries to help with mana regeneration. They had a nice crunchy texture and a sweet taste, the would be good in a pie. Stolen novel; please report.
Nothing else particularly noteworthy happened today.
Day 124
Again I spent all day working on the puppet. Yesterday I finished the left foot, today I copied that over to the right. It’s similar enough to make it easy after finishing one, but not so similar as to make it perfectly mirrorable.
I had to remind myself to write today, I spent so much time today just working on improving the puppet in any little way I could, and I’m only on the feet. But writing in here is not a habit I want to break
Anyway, Good Night Diary