Day 146
Tomorrow I will be at the point where I am able to start implementing full systems into the ent. Every day I get more and more excited to see this project come to fruition.
Other than working on the ent not much notable happened today. I talked to everyone, but nothing truly meaningful.
Anyway, Good Night DIary.
Day 147
The respiratory system was easier to implement than I thought it would be. Though that may be due to the fact that I was already half done with it. I’m not quite done with it yet though, just a bit of work tomorrow should be enough to move on to another part. Enjoying this book? Seek out the original to ensure the author gets credit.
I noticed that the kobolds were integrating surprisingly well with the goblinoids in Par’s tribe (i still can’t come up with a better name for that) as evident by many of all species in Par’s tribe listening to Whisperer speak earnestly about something. Though I couldn’t hear what Whisperer was talking about, his voice was soft and obviously only meant for those in his audience, his voice carried an obvious magical weight to it. This particular magic had a different feel that what I’m used to, it wasn’t as structured and logical as Mest’s, as domineering as Willow’s, or as alive, for lack of a better term, as mine. For one it had no intentional structure to it, at least none that I noticed, yet it felt controlled in an almost instinctive manner. Bah, Mest could explain it much better than me.
I noticed something else, a significant number of Whisperer’s listeners had the approval of many of the plants. That alone was bizarre at first, but if I think about it for a moment it makes sense. They are probably the ones that managed to evolve into something plant aligned, I even heard a couple of them are able to manipulate plants outside of my grove, but not inside it. That’s something I’ll have to look into.
Anyway, Good Night Diary