Let’s start with the most interesting part. The small Solar Energy battery managed to fill itself completely before the sunset, which was honestly pretty slow. It did seem to start to lose Solar Energy after it set, though not very fast.
I mostly just relaxed today. I hung out with everyone and even took a nap at around five.
I figured out what happened to the slavers that Par kept as slaves. The ones with useful abilities and talents were given a chance to earn their own limited freedom through those abilities, instead of being a slave they would be what Par called a second-class citizen, basically the bottom of the social hierarchy while being better treated than a slave. Plus they get the ability to become a normal citizen with hard work. The ones without useful talents were used for manual labor, doomed to be a slave till they die. Only around a quarter of them had any talents beyond basic combat, some were somewhat skilled mages, there was at least one mason, and there were a couple that managed to impress Par through sheer martial ability, along with several other talents.
The children of the ex-slaves will be given the same rights as any other member of society, while children of slaves will be given similar treatment as the slaves if they can demonstrate an ability to assist the community beyond basic combat or manual labor they will be considered full members of society. If you come across this story on Amazon, be aware that it has been stolen from Royal Road. Please report it.
Par also said that he treats prisoners of war similarly if they were the offenders they will start as slaves and have to work their way up, if they were the defenders they start as second-class citizens.
Apparently, Par has in fact gone to war on several occasions without anyone really realizing it. I guess he never needed any assistance. He’s raided several more primitive villages and has been raided a couple times in turn, how I never noticed that I have no idea.
Also, Par’s tribe has grown big enough to be considered a village now. Too bad almost all of it is outside my Grove so I can’t explore it. I’ll have to fix that come spring.
The whole reason I bring this up is because I met a member of Par’s village that wasn’t in the goblin line, the kobold line, or one of the slavers. Apparently, there is some severe social stigma against second-class citizens visiting me, and it is very frowned upon to bring your slave to visit me. A couple creatures are just now getting out of second-class citizen status, though not many, and as such, it is now socially acceptable for them to visit me. Why they are making such a big deal about it I have no idea, yeah I’ve healed several of them from near-fatal injuries in the past but that shouldn’t be enough to warrant that. Overall it’s a good thing, they seem to police themselves about bothering me, though i’m not sure how exactly.
This just makes me excited for spring, I’m going to grow my Grove in order to engulf the Village just so I can explore it.
Anyway, Good Night DIary.