After today any further progress with the particular forms of Drowsy Clover I’ve been working on will take longer, I’ve done all the easy stuff.
For the gear, I managed to get a little above the amount Par wanted and even managed to modify all of them so that they rot away when their user dies with time to spare, time that I spent designing the next request, something to do a lot of melee damage.
For this one I focused a lot on the weapon, a sword. I made it as sharp as I possibly could, sharp enough for the Hobgoblin that was assisting me to cut through a slab of wood twice as thick as he was, I also made it as hard as I could to help keep it in shape, that plus some regenerative qualities meaning it is never losing the edge. That alone felt a little lackluster so I tried to think of something else I could add to it, ultimately I decided to add a modified version of Dead Tulip. I managed to change the sleep-inducing pollen for a paralytic liquid that seeps out of the edge when mana is applied right. It wasn’t an easy change to make, at least relative to everything, but I think it tied the blade together nicely. The end result was a sword made out of Dead Tulip and Astrie, with the Astrie being designed to boost strength and vitality on top of everything else I’m having it do. This content has been misappropriated from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.
The armor part was simple, it was designed solely with freedom of movement in mind, though I did include the self-healing part I’m going to include in all the armors. It was made of Astrie and Whitefoot. The Astrie was designing for flexibility, something easy to do in any plant, fixing itself, and boosting maneuverability of the wearer in several small ways, it is also hardened but not as drastically as everything else.
I was asked to join a meeting with everyone about what our next steps were, and while most of it sounds like gibberish to me I did learn a couple interesting things. Par fully intends to go to War with this neighboring city, he says it won’t be easy but that we will win in the end. Mest, and by extension his party, can’t directly get involved with events like this due to some bylaws of his order, but he can defend the area they are residing in if it gets attacked. Based on some comprehensive scouting of their military we know that their elites aren’t on our level, while the common soldier is more skilled than ours, though no longer better equipped. And last but not least, their soldiers take significantly more time to train, while goblins can reproduce rapidly and are in fighting shape within a week of birth, and well trained within a month.
It was a full day, I like when things get exciting like this, now if only I could find a cure for winter. Maybe I could use Dead Tulip, something to look into.
Anyway, Good NIght Diary.