This morning I decided to cook. Well, that isn’t entirely accurate, Talus asked me to cook for her and I agreed to. I made pancakes, though I don’t think I did a very good job. I think I tried to learn how to cook well at one point, but it wasn’t as interesting as something else that came up.
I have noticed that the extradimensional storage space of my dungeon core is growing exponentially, but a really slow exponential. Over the course of a week it increases by a very tiny fraction of its size at the start of the week, obviously, it is doing that constantly but at this point it is only noticeable on a much larger timescale. But considering the fact that dungeons, as a rule, are immortal and many were alive before Origin really got started some of them must have effectively infinite storage space. I wonder how long it would take to consume the whole world in just the storage space I would have available.
I spent most of the day studying again, though I did not make any definable improvements today.
And of course I grew my grove up a bit, I think I am going to do that every day until winter at least for a little while. I will take at least an hour out of whatever I am doing to grow my Grove.
I was talking to Mest today and the subject of mana regeneration and storage came up, though it eventually turned to my grove. Apparently, a major factor in mana regeneration is the size of your pool, though he wasn’t too clear on the theory behind why. I was in a relatively unique state where my natural mana regeneration has been essentially crippled by nature of my species and yet I was still producing more mana than people of equal size mana pools, assuming you ignore my crown.
The fact that my mana production has nothing to do with the size of my mana pool is rare enough, pretty much only forest sprite and their evolutions have that trait, or at least we are the only ones common enough to have been documented, but when you add a small city''s worth of people and my dungeon core then it gets pretty crazy. On top of that it can improve exponentially if I take the time and effort to focus solely on growing my grove. Most groves and forests have multiple sprites that draw mana from them and they don’t have access to a dungeon core to improve their mana production, meaning they don’t have enough mana to quickly expand their borders. Reading on Amazon or a pirate site? This novel is from Royal Road. Support the author by reading it there.
On top of that most groves and forests have a personality based on how it came into being, or at least according to many forest sprites, and most came into being slowly and carefully, probably didn’t even have a Sprite tending to it at first, especially when you consider how hard it is for us to move around. Mine did not, it came into being with a sense of urgency and haste, I was actually going to die if couldn’t get a couple trees to support me.
And one final thing, it takes mana from me to maintain the grove, and the bigger the area the grove covers the more mana it takes, this tends to increase faster than mana production as that has more to do with the trees themselves than the actual area covered. This meaning that in most situations there is a hard limit to how quickly you can grow a grove or forest. But I am special, the Mana I get from my dungeon core increases more by area than it does by time, and at a fast enough rate to more than keep up with the expenses. This is because of small creatures like insects, birds, small lizards, and the like, all of them provide me mana while they are in my territory, and the larger the territory the more of them there are.
What all this means is that, unlike most forest sprites and forest nymphs I could expand my grove indefinitely, and it wants to expand and grow. Maybe later this spring I will sit down and just spend a week straight growing my grove, maybe that will be enough to reach Pearlhold. I don’t know, I will have to ask how far away it is, I know you can reach it within a day’s journey but that is about it.
One last thing before I go to bed, it seems the nearby city-states are preparing an actual army to retake Pearlhold, a lot of people are leaving to go defend it. We should expect an attack here. Oddly enough, I’m looking forward to it.
Anyway, Good Night Diary.