I made more progress in refining Solar Energy Astrie today, though I didn''t have a lot of time for it.
Today Tiddol turned Twenty. Assuming she doesn’t die unnaturally or obtain immortality she should live for another hundred and fifty years, give or take. My bet is on immortality, it isn’t like it is that difficult to obtain for someone with her resources. And even if she doesn’t healing magic is more than capable of making someone younger.
The actual party was very similar to my own, but with a different kind of cake.
Tiddol Liked my gift. Apparently, she has used the first one a number of times during alchemical accidents to the point that it was starting to wear out. Apparently, she didn’t think of having me fix it up.
Par gave the mother of his children what looked like a children’s toy. It was a small figure that walks and moves around on its own with no apparent magical input. Tiddol has already taken it apart and put it back together again three times as I am writing this. It seems like she is inspired by something.
Willow sent a package that arrived today. Which means that at least recently she was healthy and safe enough to send mail. It was a gift for Tiddol’s birthday, she was like a mother to the storm sprite. It is a jewel-encrusted belt, it’s really nice too though it has no function beyond the obvious. It’s inlaid with Mithril and other magical and alchemically treated metals to make it better at being a mana battery. In total it is about as good as my best gem, a bit more storage but isn’t quite as accessible. The jewels themselves are very average, but there is a lot of them.
My Ents worked together to give Tiddol a very large supply of alchemy ingredients. Apparently, some of them were tired of her constantly asking them for more and are hoping this will last longer, I doubt it though. From what I have picked up from listening to her alchemy ingredients are at their best while super fresh, otherwise, you need more to get a lesser result. From what she told me she is just going to use them up as quickly as she can while not caring about waste cause if she doesn’t then all of them will be useless in a week or two anyway. She could get the Ents to freshen them up pretty easily, but that defeats the purpose.
After the presents were handed out we played a board game most of us had played before. The one where we all build up a kingdom and compete against each other for arbitrary victory conditions. The players were myself, Tiddol, my dad, Par, Kaire and Lulem, and Azrezel. Azrezel and Par both went for domination victories very early on and ended up clashing against each other. They were at war for a while before they both decided to stop fighting each other, but by that point, they had already fallen behind in magic and were out of the runnings. Kaire and Lulem both worked together and focused on building great monuments but both ended up having their kingdoms destroyed by natural causes long before anyone else found them. Tiddol and I both worked toward a magic victory, but we were quickly outstripped by my dad’s culture victory after he found Kaire and Lulem''s remains and claimed all of their monuments for his own kingdom. Ultimately my dad united the world in song and dance and no small amount of brainwashing. It was fun, though my children were annoyed that they didn’t get to finish building all of the monuments before they took the wrong gamble. I only got as far as I did because I actively avoided any random chance in the game.
I hope we can play again sometime. Not too often though, it takes a lot of time, more than I am normally comfortable being away from my work for.
Anyway, Good Night Diary.