Today I spent the morning refining the design of my puppet, while still keeping under the mana limit I set for myself of course. Most of the rest of the day was spent sparring.
My current design has almost no armor, I quickly realized yesterday that with how much mana making armor takes it is a waste of time. It is much more efficient to make something fast enough to avoid getting hit. I’ll probably remove more of the bulk tomorrow, does it really need to have that much muscle driving it?
I hung out with my dad a bit today. His personal pet project of soldiers are doing well by all reports. At this point, their self-healing abilities would rival my own ability to heal them, though that isn’t hard when you spend all of your effort on one very specialized thing. It will take quite a bit of adapting if they ever evolve, though not so much that it would be unreasonable. Maybe a week if it is a simple evolution, three months if it is incredibly complicated. Stolen story; please report.
Other than that I found a particularly shiny rock today, only for it to bite me. Apparently, it was a baby mimic, something I’ve never seen before. It was honestly kind of cute, it a creepy sort of way. I didn’t want to accidentally hurt it, healing or no, so I let it run away. Still, I wonder what it was doing here, they aren’t exactly native to this area. Maybe a traveler accidentally brought it with them? It does kinda look like a gemstone, so maybe?
Anyway, Good Night Diary.