Today I learned more about illusions, things like how to mimic millions of different colors of light and what exactly those colors looked like and other very fine increments of sensations. It was fascinating not because I care about the effects, but because of what I am learning about the way that the brain and the soul communicate and interact. I feel like there is something there, something big that I might be able to do, I just need to understand the soul better to figure it out.
I’m actually glad that the older dungeon has decided to go with the route of teaching me every single minor detail in the hope that I get bored. There is a lot there for me to learn, and having a teacher this knowledgeable is a wonderful experience. Even with subjects that I normally don’t find interesting, I would probably be just as fascinated if someone just as knowledgeable as my current teacher were to teach me with this method. Unfortunately most creatures so knowledgeable would not have had the time to study any form of telepathy, and very few if any of them are part of my hivemind, they just aren’t that common. Most of them are either dungeons or part of the scholar’s order, and very few of the scholars have joined my hivemind, something about things like that being against their rules. And most dungeons aren’t really capable of the long-distance telepathy that would be required, or if they are then I can’t afford their services, it’s not exactly an innate thing for dungeons. Reading on Amazon or a pirate site? This novel is from Royal Road. Support the author by reading it there.
I also asked the dungeon if he wanted me to make anything for him, only for him to say that anything I could make he could make better. I’m not entirely sure that’s true, as he has presumably spent his entire life studying the soul. But it isn’t entirely unreasonable, creation is natural for dungeons.
The shell of my soul is getting worryingly thin, it’s still really dense and has so far proven to be very resistant to damage but I’m uncomfortable with how close the outer edge of the shell is to my memories. Even my teacher mentioned that I should probably take a short break to let my soul recover, so I will probably take a couple days and wait for it to fill back in.
As a result of that, I made massive progress in refining my body, another day like this and all of the smashed together pieces will be working perfectly with each other. From there I can start actually improving my body, not just stealing ideas from other creators.
I took part in the revelries today during my downtime, there was an oddly somber tone, one not quite strong enough to affect me directly, but present nonetheless. Mournful, in a way. I wish I had stayed to listen to Par’s speeches now, then I might know what was going on here. Still, it was fun to eat and drink and party with the people. I’ve found that I enjoy getting drunk with large groups of similarly drunk people.
It definitely helps that I can magic away the alcohol with a simple spell.
Anyway, Good Night Diary.