I spent most of my day learning more about the soul. There isn’t really a lot I can talk about without going into more detail than would fit this diary, or at least the vast majority of what I am learning would be more fit for a textbook than my diary. Though I will admit that I often go into more detail than might be necessary.
I have started to realize something though, soul energy is a lot less free in what it is able to accomplish than mana is. With mana you can do pretty much anything as long as you have the know-how, the will, and enough of the stuff. But soul energy not so much, for example, conjuration is entirely impossible for soul energy, at least from my recently expanded understanding of it. You aren’t going to make a spear to throw at your enemies with soul energy, nor are you going to make a shield to stop the spear. But it is much better than mana at changing and modifying things, not so much the permanent, but small, improvements of solar energy, though it can do that, just not very well. The more temporary, but larger, changes are what it does well.
And that’s just one aspect of it, there’s also the whole ‘root of conscious thought’ thing going on as well, and everything with connections that I learned about as a result of Fate.
I imagine that soul energy is really good at being made into curses, which is all kinds of terrifying. I can’t imagine something like what happened around new-years, only using the soul instead of mana. We would simply have no way to contain it or control it. Luckily soul manipulators seem to be rare.
Also, my teacher admitted that they were trying to improve whatever it was that is letting them communicate with me so that they can get this whole process over with faster. Which is great because I’m starting to get some ideas for how to use the soul to get over the barrier preventing me from entering the domain of the angelic council, but I want to know everything I can before I commit to anything. A case of content theft: this narrative is not rightfully on Amazon; if you spot it, report the violation.
Other than that I spent some time with Par today. He said that he was going to stay in town for a little while in order to train some troops. Following his recent speeches, there was an explosion in volunteers for the military, most of them were untrained. We are also a bit short on trained soldiers thanks to recent events, so he kind of has to stay for a little while.
He did ask me if I could convince Azrezel to start teaching a class on necromancy, we do have a few necromancers but few of them are really competent. And of those all but two of them are scholars, which brings with it some worrying implications if they were to teach our own necromancers, something about them being beholden to their order, while the other actually competent necromancer is nowhere near as competent as Azrezel.
After asking around it seems the other skilled necromancer is actually Junior, which was a bit unexpected, but not entirely unreasonable. According to Azrezel she’s actually just an average necromancer with access to amazing materials by way of her ability to just create bodies. But she has potential if only because of her hard work and determination, though her prior knowledge of all things healing certainly helps. She hasn’t really been asking Azrezel for help either, instead, she figured it out on accident and has been experimenting with it a bit. Which isn’t surprising really, she’s never really been one to ask for help when presented with something she doesn’t understand, she buckles down and tries to solve the problem on her own, even is she couldn’t possibly know the solution.
I wonder how Askos is doing? I haven''t seen him in a little while. He should be in town right now, I’ll see if I can meet up with him tomorrow.
Anyway, Good Night Diary.