Dulcian gave me his list of requests today, and it was rather long, it took quite a while to go over. Most of the things on the list were trivial and not worth my attention, though it was interesting to see how everything got progressively unusual as the list went on. It almost seemed like he was trying to figure out what the limits of what he could ask for were. I''m going to make sure to work him hard for this.
A couple items on the list did give me pause. The boy is more than a little depraved, but not in a sadistic way thankfully. Very few of them crossed over into something I would not be willing to provide, but many of them toed the line. Still, this is an opportunity I don''t want to waste.
Ultimately we agreed that he would work for no less than six hours a day, reciving a day off once every five days or if he gets sick. If he gets injured then he needs to get that fixed and get right back to work. He also requires very little sleep, about an hour a night. A case of content theft: this narrative is not rightfully on Amazon; if you spot it, report the violation.
Tomorrow I will look on the terminal to find a facility that will be able to do the kind of experimentation required here. I have no doubt that other dungeons have trained wielders of nuclear fire before.
The book on Solar Energy is done and is in the process of being distributed as far and wide as possible. Par asked me to make a copy for every single soldier, which is a lot of Solar Energy to speed all at once but I got it done. They will take another week or two to allow the soldiers to train, after which they will march off to war again.
Now I need to finally regrow the damaged parts of my forest, or at least finish it. I did manage to successfully preserve the root structure so all it should take is a couple days of solid focus to get everything back to where it was.
I''m looking forward to finally expanding into the domain of our enemy. With that, it will only be a matter of time before we win this war.
I should really figure out a better countermeasure to their plant-killing enchantment.
Anyway, Good Night Diary.