Untitled Love poem
With my lips so tightly pent,
Upon the praise of your fecund furrow
Where I would so gladly burrow,
And lay within you, gasping, spent.
Seek I the swelling rose capped mounds,
That like velvet await a gentle touch,
And still yet craving a virile clutch,
Behind which your racing heart sounds.
Support the author by searching for the original publication of this novel.Taste the lips, covered in dew,
Secrets praised by an intruding tongue,
A tiny bee there, in its turn stung,
As I seek tastes forever new.
At the joining of widespread thighs,
Gushing as a river''s lusty source,
Whipped to foam in a rapids course,
The pounding waves bringing such cries.
Coming to rest, sated, replete,
Still within your tight fit glove,
Dare I seek the life complete,
And whisper to you words of Love?