Chapter 2 – Piecing it Together
Life contains many mysteries. For example, I have no idea why people worship gods who have no real reason to help them. A god is a power beyond anything we can imagine. It would be like me helping a beetle. Why would a god be at all interested in what I want?
The Book of Lost Wisdom, Kalutu
Seventeenth of Learning 1142
Please, my goddess, protect them. They’re our sons. Guide them back to us. I will always bear whatever burdens you require, but I beg you, do not take my sons. I fear that would break me.
You are stronger than you think, King Terrence of Twyl. And I will protect your sons if it is possible to do so. But there are other forces at work here, and as much as I would like to, I cannot guarantee their safe return.
Other forces? Forces so great even you can’t influence them? If you can’t, then how can my sons?
Because there are things that mortals can do that the gods cannot.