There is not much I miss from my life before I appeared in this world, but if I had to pick one thing above all others, it would be dreaming. In dreams we can be or do anything. I no longer sleep, so I no longer dream. There is no time of day that I can shed my limitations and become something more.
The Book of Lost Wisdom, Kalutu
Seventeenth of Learning 1142
Captain Jericho is on his way here with instructions from the king to attend him at the palace. What they’re about is dangerous business. It is not honorable.
I wish you to do the right thing. That said, there are many reasons for you to be in the temple today. That you will be needed here is a certainty.
No, but if I were you, I would carry the potion on your desk with you everywhere you go.
Deftly done.
No, Veloran. You really don’t.