In the busy Manhattan, Vincent Cazato works on his marvelous office, simply admiring his money fluctuate as the day goes on. He has been working in the stock market for years, his fortune was entirely made from the little money that invested in the stocks in his early years when he arrived at the city. Suddenly on a cold day that signalized the beginning of winter, all of that he has built was gone, the stocks he invested most of his money were a fraud. The reader enters the life of the once-successful man that now fights for his own survival and dignity, he seeks a new way of living that he has never imagined he would ever take the road of. This story is going to make you reconsider your life and new horizons will open.
In the busy Manhattan, Vincent Cazato works on his marvelous office, simply admiring his money fluctuate as the day goes on. He has been working in the stock market for years, his fortune was entirely made from the little money that invested in the stocks in his early years when he arrived at the city. Suddenly on a cold day that signalized the beginning of winter, all of that he has built was gone, the stocks he invested most of his money were a fraud. The reader enters the life of the once-successful man that now fights for his own survival and dignity, he seeks a new way of living that he has never imagined he would ever take the road of. This story is going to make you reconsider your life and new horizons will open....