I floated on my back. For what seemed like ages my ragged breathing continued until I noticed a fin in the distance. Was that a shark? I remembered bleeding all over and saw the blood on my clothes. I was no longer in pain, but the damage was done. I was certain sharks would be in a feeding frenzy soon. I needed to get out of this situation. I needed to get to dry land. I didn''t have a knife or anything to protect myself with.
This was a game. What could I do? Take stock of what I have. Perhaps I had an inventory. I shouted, "inventory!" No luck. I tried visualizing the word, inventory. No luck. Quest, I should try that, and suddenly my entire vision was taken over by a golden screen. A blinking bit of text said, "Quest One, find dry land and survive. Reward 25000 experience points."
Ok, I got quests. This I could handle. I looked at the fin as it circled me. Sheet, character sheet. I focused on a large golden sheet that took up my entire vision and it appeared.
Wilbur Trent
Human Level 1
Strength -2 | Level 1 Super Strength
Agility -2 | Level 1 Super Agility
Health 0 | Level 1 Super Health
Intelligence 7 | Level 2 Super Intelligence
Wisdom 5 | Level 1 Super Wisdom
Willpower 7 | Level 1 Super WillpowerThis novel''s true home is a different platform. Support the author by finding it there.
Charisma 3 | Level 1 Super Charisma
Luck 8 | Level 1 Super Luck
Super Power: Probability Manipulation
What was Probability Manipulation? I wondered that and was answered. This skill allows the manipulation of chance and fate. This ability can be used to increase the likelihood that a situation defined by you will come to be. With it, you can find money on a beach or a lucky lottery ticket on the ground.
I shut down the window. This was all fun and great, but I was still in the middle of some ocean with no help in sight. I was also being circled by a shark. This won''t do. I needed to get that shark out of here. A few good punches will do the deed. I swam towards the fish, ready to be eaten. It swam at me with its mouth open. I slammed my fist into the side of its nose.
I was shocked. My fist went deep into its head, I swear I went in by half. The thing was dead. It was fast and easy. That fight took something out of me. I was hungry and thirsty. I needed to get to dry land though I didn''t know which direction to go in. So I chose a random direction and tried to swim.
I swam into a swell. It was a small one as these things go. A mountain of water came at me. I took a deep breath just before that mountain of water covered me. I swam upwards as fast as I could. The closer I got, though, the more water piled on me. I fought on though. I found myself underwater for at least 15 minutes. I held my breath for over ten minutes I knew. My health was better than Olympic athletes. This must be super health kicking in, as previously it was super strength kicking in. I swam until I broke the surface.
Fate and chance control. If I could somehow make this Probability Manipulation ability get me a ship, I would be saved. How do I activate this ability? My mind. Just do it. My super strength went off as I punched. Let''s see then. I imagined a ship as I floated on my back. I allowed the current to carry me to where I wanted to go, a ship. Ten minutes was nothing. A half-hour was nothing. The first hour went by with nothing and it was getting well into the night. I closed my eyes, focused on what I wanted, and floated.
I am not certain how long it took as I floated and focused, but I heard a fog horn blow. I opened my eyes to see my rescuers.