Darkness greets the visitor. The visitor is not amused.
A hand grabs the visitor, flinging him across the darkness with enough force to break the sound barrier. Eventually landing into an infinitely deep pit.
The visitor had many options presented to him. Thousands of colorful branching tunnels of fate. Some were easy, some were impossible. He fell and fell in an ever changing kaleidoscope of colors, until he saw it.
The tunnel was there, now he just had to- in a hurricane of power, he was thrown away from his ideal tunnel. Spiraling and spinning for what seemed like days.
He eventually lost consciousness.
Chapter one - Change
Our protagonist appeared on a small, floating island populated by shrubs and rare trees. It was too small to sustain animals, but some strange leathery birds would often land there to rest from their journeys. It was a small island, barely ten meters in diameter; and the only person there felt at home. His appearance changed. And he now looked like a white, ghostly silhouette; but that didn’t bother him much.
He spent his days napping, looking at the sunset and dreaming about his home planet.
The sky was beautiful at night, with thousands of stars undiminished by light pollution. There were three moons, but the third was visible only every other day. It was all beautiful, actually.Massive clouds slowly rolling around the sky, reflected by the infinite ocean below.On some days, he wandered about his family. Would they miss him?
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But, as all things, everything soon changed. He grew tired of the island’s small size. While he could float around and below the island, which he discovered before, there was nothing new to explore. If only the island was bigger. He thought leisurely as he hung on a branch, upside down.That night, the island grew in size by almost two meters in all directions. How? How did this earth just appear here overnight? Maybe it was natural.
Months passed, and he realized that he could consciously change the island. Now, it sported a healthy size, and some of the birds have build nests. Filled with oakwood trees and berries, it was a popular residence indeed. He continued to dream away, as the birds brought more and more seeds from far away lands. He sometimes played with the hatchlings, giving them worms and other bugs to eat.
By the time ten years passed, he was content. He had everything he wanted, peace, entertainment, and happiness.
The forest was full of creatures and plants. Weird, blue flowers, some sort of flying squids, diverse vines hanging over the edges. It was a booming ecosystem, and he was approaching enlightenment.
One day, an island passed over him. Another island... It was a rush to see who can take more. A swarm of birds ascended from his island, and it was as if they battled the other island for resources. They stripped it clean, like a gigantic fleet of mosquitos, and not even plants were spared. That done, the birds hunger was satisfied. And they returned back home.
Life was pleasant, for a long time. But, as all things, it too, changed. The creator of his realm, his island, desired sentient beings. Now the island was massive. With giant trees poking out of the forests, vines connecting everything, large beasts galloping across the plains. It was beautifully perfect. Every creature playing an important role in the ecosystem. There were even some smaller islands, caught in the giants grasp. Shackled by powerful blue vines. And in the center of it all, a massive tree, keeping everything in place with its roots.
But. But but but! The creator was lonely. It had not spoken to someone in hundreds of years. While it loved it’s creatures, they were not great conversationalists.