Lito from the Isle of Monsters
A young critter named Lito, drifts into the world of humans to escape the influence of his father Kramos, a murderous tyrant who rules the Isle of monsters. He then befriends a 7-year-old orphan boy named Carlos and joins him in meeting his newfound parents, Celia and Valeria. Together, they navigate through a world full of monstrous bullies and strive to exist in a more peaceful world.
A young critter named Lito, drifts into the world of humans to escape the influence of his father Kramos, a murderous tyrant who rules the Isle of monsters. He then befriends a 7-year-old orphan boy named Carlos and joins him in meeting his newfound parents, Celia and Valeria. Together, they navigate through a world full of monstrous bullies and strive to exist in a more peaceful world....