Well now thatthat''sover withI''mjust going to talk to my goodolpal um,iforgot his name butI''mgoing to tell himijust created a whole new realm in one of hisworlds. Ihope he doesn''t get mad at me forthat. Wellicould always just not tell him, oh waitthat''sagainone of those god laws and then die, soI''mjust going to notnotsay anything to him, or was it a girl? I justdon''tcare anymore, being a god is boring.
Carl POV
The painI''mfeeling is justunbelievable, but soon my mind started to get used to it and kept me awake to feel the torture of every single cell and atom of your body completely reshaping and breaking and then regenerating the process just goes on and on.
I got used to it soon, wellIdon''tknow anymoreitsthe same as that void like roomiwas in before.
Time went by, or notireallyhaven''thad anything to see if time was stillmoving. Ijust want out of here.
Soonistarted thinking about what that god said he something aboutMinecraftIcouldn''trememberanythingelse. Istarted to think about that game thatihad lots of good and badmemorieswith butistillcouldn''tremember thedetails. Allicouldrememberwas that it wasblockybut the god said he got rid of that, and the lastboss. Hesaidiwould become thatdidn''the?
It seems likeican''treallyexpressemotions whenI''mdead.Didn''the also say that he would put me in a world of swords andmagic? Buthe then just added a whole new realm toit? Thatgodreallyjust makes meangry,I think. Ican''treallyfeel it.
Time went by or not.
years for all he knew.
But he just wanted one thing.
And that thingwasto get out of this hell.
He tried to break thewallsbut hecouldn''tit wasthesame as the void like room.This text was taken from Royal Road. Help the author by reading the original version there.
The room was a very dark purple instead of black now.
Carl sooncame to the conclusionthat when the room loses the darkcolorhe might get out, or he was just going color blind.Carl''sconclusion was somewhat correct the room was getting brighter, but thatwouldn''tlead to his escape.His Eyes were just going through the reincarnation process.
Carl soon kept forgetting his name for a little bit.His skin was getting harder the more time he was in the room.
POV switch
In the Kingdom ofSeresethe battle for the crown was raging between the twin princes when amessengercame into the room rushing andpanting. Themessenger soonstartedsaying something in a hoarse voice "There has been areportthat a new dungeon was being formed, and some of the nobles are saying thatwhicheverprince beats it will get the crown, and the commoners are also saying this". Both of the princes looked at the messenger an both replied at the same time "When will the dungeonform".Themessenger replied with "The dungeon should form at most in 2 months".
Both of the princessoon stopped glaring at the messengerand thanateach otherand both said " I''ll win " at the same time.
You would think that these twins would have the same values with how in sink they were, but how wrong was anyone who thought that and how far they were from the truth.
The princes had completely differentapproachesto how they wouldchangethe kingdom.
The Prince that was namedTariuswas all about getting more agriculture and setting up small villages everywhere to handle it.
The Prince that was namedTaliuswas going to compact all thepopulationin the big cities and make those ones handle the farms and cattle.
The one thing they were both going to do was to raise the taxes.
This battle for the crown has been going on for the past 5 month and they wanted to end it as fast as possible but alwayscouldn''tbecause the nobles and peopledidn''tagree andnowthey had the chance.
WellIdidn''texpect him to be so calm about it, but now thatiknow whyican also see why he was socalm. Imean if the largest kingdom of your favorite planet could be solved with thisiwould too.
But this will be the perfect chance to test this new subject on.
I suddenly woke up after a nap in this weird space whenIheardsomething. Thewalls were getting smaller and a sound of breaking glass could beheard. Iwasscared. WaitScared?!I''mfeeling emotions!Finally! Waitdoes this meanI''mgetting out! I felt happiness for the first time in a year!Heydon''tjudge me I had a hard life okay?
The cracking sound soon got much louder andistarted hearing creaking as well.
Soon the darkness fades andisee a black sky and a yellow sandygroundwith weirdcreaturesithinkI''veseen before.
Firstilook at myselfIvegot a long snout and neck with two large wings growing from my back,ihave dark black scales and a long tail.
Whenitake all this information inisoon start thinking this is a dream and pinch myself. Instead of pinchingicut myself with my claws and start to take in what that god said.
I was right about being angry at that god but nowI''mABSOLUTELY FUCKING FURIOUS!!!