The year is 3221, fifteen years after a demonic terrorist attack on the city of Anora. The residents have made an impressive comeback rebuilding huge parts of the city; establishing a Hunters Guild as a mercenary police force to eradicate any evil that threatens daily life, and the Helis College of Magic to help citizens safely and responsibly use magic. Both organizations rose to success with the help of the vampires of the Bodaro family, who helped fund most of the city''s revitalization after the attack. For fifteen years the winds have been quiet and relatively peaceful, but things are beginning to stir in the shadows and bear their fangs and claws, new arrivals to the city have folks on edge, and strange purple lightning has people dreaming of death.
The year is 3221, fifteen years after a demonic terrorist attack on the city of Anora. The residents have made an impressive comeback rebuilding huge parts of the city; establishing a Hunters Guild as a mercenary police force to eradicate any evil that threatens daily life, and the Helis College of Magic to help citizens safely and responsibly use magic. Both organizations rose to success with the help of the vampires of the Bodaro family, who helped fund most of the city''s revitalization after the attack. For fifteen years the winds have been quiet and relatively peaceful, but things are beginning to stir in the shadows and bear their fangs and claws, new arrivals to the city have folks on edge, and strange purple lightning has people dreaming of death....