Teylon: Hunting for educational care for Juniper and Kaydence
Wouldn’t it be bizarre if someone brought me a meal for a change...? Nyah, be realistic...
It''s really convenient that Juniper and Kaydence sleep a lot more than everyone else, it means we can safely see them to bed for the night, then have a meeting to work out what to do about them.
So let''s ignore Maggie''s and Erasyl''s problems for the moment.
Here I am, a middle-aged man, living with all of these young ladies, two of whom are definitely highly vulnerable and in need of care, about to talk about this whole situation with the nun who directs this centre.
Esmeralda, is all of this part of your overarching plan?
Ah, they have taken some care to arrange things.
Juniper is getting nervous, so if she sits right next to me it would all be to the good. And if I step just so I can manage to be standing between her and Kaydence, so as I sit down they will naturally sit on either side of me. And, of course, Sarsaparilla will then sit the other side of Kaydence, and just as naturally, Adalace will then sit next to Sarsaparilla.
Perfect! I''m not losing my touch!
Crap, is she one of those very rare people who can see straight through my act?
But wait, I''m not here to con anyone - indeed I''m here at the bidding of an Angel of Death.
So, there''s no need to worry, right?
I have to hand it to this nun, she managed to keep her soothing calm exterior and win the confidence of both Juniper and Kaydence. She didn''t even bat an eyelid when Juniper, without the slightest bit of self conscious, stated that both me and Devina were giving back her memories, with the help of an Angel. And Sarsaparilla and Adalace have their brightly radiant fake smiles painted on. Pity it''s so obvious, even to me. I''m sure Celeste can see through the masks just as easily.
Teylon’s Soul Reading of: Celeste
What? Why am I getting this? Why now?
Is this to do with Celeste? Or Nethezal? Or the girl...
The girl... Her face... Where have I seen her before?
Ah. Right. The girl that Sarawatch saw die.
Oh shit. Do I have to tell Sister Celeste that the girl she apparently loved was killed soon after she was taken away?
This sucks.
And - what was her name? Obviously, I''m supposed to find out so I can tell Sarawatch.
Oh hell. I am supposed to break the news to her.
She''s desperate to be reassured. And she really can read me, even though I made sure to keep a neutral face while I was thinking that.
I am definitely correct. I cannot believe that Esmeralda would ever allow me to make the wrong conclusion in this sort of circumstance.
Bearer of bad tidings, that''s me for today. Ugh.
Yep, there''s the obligatory computer screen, attached to the wall.
I can only presume that this isn''t the end of the story. Narrative causality demands that something more be found out. So...
After all, I''m supposed to track down the evil, and this is the best lead I''ve had so far.
That''s right, afterwards me and Adalace will have to sit down and see how far we can access the database to get more information. Assuming the anonymous authorities haven''t already cancelled that password.
Well, he seems genuine enough, I suppose. I will have to give up my fleeting suspicion that he might have something to do with all of this.
Humph, the girls are smiling at him. Unlike Celeste, he doesn''t seem to realise just what fakes those smiles are. All to the good!
Hello, why did Sarsaparilla suddenly give that little jump and show of dismay... Oh, right.
Somehow, I don''t think this is going to be all that pleasant.
That''s not the same smile. This one looks a whole lot more - predatory. I should have worn my Kevlar blast proof vest.
Mr Nethezal. Apparently, you have a unique brain - you can partially disassociate your feelings and thoughts. Not quite separate personalities, but sort of like that."
I don''t blame her for not wanting to be associated with the crazy lady. Only, I know that she isn''t crazy.
In a week''s time I''m sure I will enjoy retelling this. I''m sure.
And Celeste actually is beginning to look horrified.
your daughter. And the shock of this has destabilised that wall in your brain even more, hasn''t it?"
deranged young lady?"
It''s obvious to both of us. There is something really ugly peeking out through his expression now. How is this going to end?
Holy crap, so now I know what''s really behind those smiles. I''m so glad I''m their friend, and not an enemy.
Celeste is shocked silly, and Nethezal is totally wiped out and whimpering on the floor. I can''t leave them like this...
Am I supposed to kneel besides her? Well, I suppose that is the normal thing for these religious types to do?
Now, I need to gently bring her back to reality-
Teylon’s Soul Reading of: Celeste
Nethezal! Why?"
Right, I think I know what to do here.
Actually that was just Sarsaparilla describing what Nethezal''s future was going to be like, but let''s make it sound more like a command, shall we?
Let''s see, if I were in her position, I would just seek revenge and to hell with it. But, she''s supposed to be a virtuous nun, so-
Oh wow. Just wow. Now that''s one hell of a strong woman.
too easy?"