Erasyl: having a boy to boy talk with Leroy
This is my chance to talk about a few things not suitable for any other audience.
together, even if they are sleeping next to each other." said Erasyl.
still not suicidal! And of course, not Kaydence. And, most definitely, Juniper is also totally off bounds."
Damn, she''s wearing jeans, so there''s no display of anything interesting. But, I suppose, she wouldn''t sit like that if she was wearing a short skirt. Sigh.
But, at least she is talking with me. And looking pretty relaxed about it.
Oh wow! She''s actually OK about me admiring her gorgeous figure!
Although, when you think of it, it''s no more than what any random man passing by in public can do... But still, I''ll take it!"
really gives me the creeps!"
mind raped by him. I get so tired of repeatedly having to make effort not to freak out, it gets tiring."
Erasyl: Being sent on an errand
We both know she is deliberately using my affection for her to manipulate me into fetching the food, but, well, she is talking to me, so...
This is just a little uncomfortable.
Do I turn around and try to talk to her - or just accept the status quo? After all, I do know that things are complicated for her.
So we turn right and...
She''s really not doing a very good job of it, is she?
She looks, what, lost? Sad? That''s right, she lost her little sister. She must have loved her so much, and she died because no adult cared to intervene.
Let''s keep it simple, shall we? There''s nothing I can do to help her. Nothing at all, except to try and not make things any worse.
My God, this lot is awkward to carry. And it''s only for morning tea!
Struth, if this was Earth I''ll be struggling to carry this weight in a flat orientation all the way back.
again. My, that girl is such a pain."
I''m beginning to get some idea about why she is always running away. But, anyway.
Why is Tamara is running away from the girl, ah! she''s found someone.
Tamara, that''s not really the best way to ask for help. And, that look she gave him...
is a girl stuck on the sluice gate!"
It''s just as well I not scared of deep water. Especially when it is running so fast. And getting faster as the gates close. Wow, its positively foaming now as the gates come right together.
She looks pretty scared. Right now the water is still and calm. Not at all like what it was when it is flowing past at full speed.
Yep, definitely nothing scary... Although the water still looks pretty deep on the up channel side... Let''s just get back to shore, OK?
Coward. He''s probably hoping we won''t file an official report. Or maybe he doesn''t want to meet Tamara again.
Maybe I am just a little bit nervous of deep water. Just a little - oh bloody hell I hope I never get that close to deep running water again...
Damn, I missed my chance to comfort her...
Now that''s a change, Tamara has managed a genuine smile for once.
What if I just keep my distance and let them have their moment.
Oh my, Tamara has some tears in her eyes.
Was that a smile she just gave me? Even if it was brief.
It''s a bloody sight better than the usual blank face or angry look she normally gives me.
And what do I say now...
But, I didn''t give away their food! But, on the other hand even Tamara is now smiling at me. We both know she is deliberately setting me up to do the hard work...
Tamara: Looking forward.
But, will Juniper get better?
Teylon is supposed to only last until his quest is completed.
Devina can''t see herself being around for all that long.
So, in that case, who will be looking after Juniper? Who can look after Juniper?
Adalace: Hello mum and dad.
Oh crap. My mum and dad are passing through and have decided to visit me and my friends. And it''s this afternoon.
I wish I had never mentioned that I was going on a holiday...
Deep breath. Right. I can do it. It''s only my parents, after all.
This is going to take all day if I don''t watch out.
Well, here it goes.
That wasn''t so bad, after all.