I heard a meaty Thwack as a branch slapped across my face. The clicking of the Wolfions were not far behind us.
“Keep it up, it’s not too far away now!” Yelled Krri. I was breathing hard. Humans had evolved over that last several hundred years though so I was doing much better than my ancestors would’ve. We had insane immune systems, enhanced physical assets, like strength, speed, stamina, our senses were improved slightly as well, and to top it all off average people had an average score on these old I-que test things of about 130. I was thanking the heavenly bodies up above as I was running through the trees. I heard the clicks, barks, growls, and footfalls of the Wolfions behind us. As the sweat dripped down my face I sped up a bit, motivated by the Wolfions. I think that they were a bit confused as to our location, because I heard them go off a bit to the left, after another animal started bolting away. Wrang was a good bit ahead of me, his feathers and wing like arms plus his somewhat hollow bones allowing him to move much faster than me or Krri, however he was obviously far more tired than me, since New crows had low stamina.
Soon we broke out into a clearing with small houses set up. If i looked up, I would’ve seen houses up in the beautiful blue trees. I might’ve seen the wonderfully blue sky, and awe-inspiring architecture. I heard Krri on a strange radio giving orders. Five of the strongest-looking Viknorin made a shield wall, and as the last of us that hadn’t gotten caught made it through, a strange shield activated. The Wolfions slammed into the shield, and two slamming against it so hard they broke bones. They growled menacingly outside of the shield circling it, and occasionally pawing at it.
“Assemble the mages and Bearers, NOW!” Krri yelled to his tribe. A group of Viknorin holding shields planted them down, making an actual wall. The shields clinked and clacked as they connected to each other, and I had no doubt that it was air-tight. The a few of his hunting group and a several others moved behind the shield wall. Find this and other great novels on the author''s preferred platform. Support original creators!
“Bring the shields down!” He yelled. Suddenly the shield went down and the Wolfions ran toward us. The mages began casting lightning and energy bolts at the Wolfions. The Bearers took out spears, and began stabbing. However the six legged things couldn’t be stopped, and one jumped over the shield wall, so Wrang shot the asshole multiple times until it stopped moving. A few minutes later, the gatherers were harvesting the meat and a funeral for one of the mages was being prepared.
“I don’t know,” said Wrang, “We only recently met these guys, and they might try to steal Mantis in the middle of the night or something.”
“What choice do we have?” I responded.
“I don’t know, if we kept exploring we might see a better one.”
“This is pretty damn good, and the jungles mean death. Whatever happens we need to stay together though. I highly doubt that we’re the only Humans left, but if we are, we’re together till the end. Because so far, we can only trust Mantis, each other, and ourselves.”
“Fine, fine. But what should we do here?” He asked reluctantly.
“Lay low, research some magic, I dunno.” I responded, sighing. “We should just stay here and help, they are offering us refuge. We could teach them stuff about our weapons, help with the heavy lifting, I don’t know. This is a great chance they’re giving us, we get to speak and live with ALIENS! Do you realize how crazy this is?”
“Hey guys,” Krri said, walking over to us. “Decided on whether you’re staying or going? We could always use a few extra hands.”
I looked at Wrang, and he nodded. “Well, I think we have some questions we’d like answered first…”