Blue: Another lunch date with Pink
I saved her life. And then she saved my life. And Esmeralda had given him a hint the size of a Jumbo Jet that Pink could be his true love. And half the school saw us holding hands.
But I still don''t know what to say to her right now.
Why not just say that?
Err, how did that happen?
Well, didn''t you tell me to hold her hand?
Ah, no? went Blue. His subconscious did not bother replying. His face went slightly red. So did Pink''s.
Esmeralda said I was free to experiment with her loaned powers. And that I could use them to read a person''s soul. And allow the other to read my soul. Hmm.
Err, what?
Err, at least this means something.
But even an orphan will have held hands with someone.
That''s nice
Now that I can relate to!
What is this!? she screamed to herself.
Blue: His first task from Esmeralda
Am I nervous? After all, this doesn''t involve judgement. Just a normal harassment case. Normal? Normal by what standards? What if the man turns violent? Ah, right, she never said this was going to be easy.
Huh? She''s hallucinating, delusional. Off with the fairies. Completely out of it.
Bloody hell, she is heavy.
How the hell does she know this?
Where are we going?
How the hell does she know this?
How was he going to get help?
Not even two days from our first lunch and she has died! Esmeralda! This is wrong!