Danny the bus driver: Earning some points
River Island Police Operations Centre:
Molly: Playing her part
Don''t worry, no one will ever know, anyway.
Four Teenagers:
Danny the bus driver: Earning some more points
Police Operations Room:
Earth Watch Prime:
Four Teenagers:
How are they going to get to safety?
Police Operations Room:
Four Teenagers:
Janet and Charlie:
Four Teenagers:
Janet and Charlie:
both of the military’s systems, with apparent ease. Not to mention, what is this containment foam business, anyway?" said Janet.
Blue wasn''t using a mobile, so how did he know what Horatio wanted? was her thought.
The Two Generals: Did not see anything
Janet and Charlie:
Really powerful."
lot of discussion on the social medium on the web. I shall be doing my best to suppress or divert any topics that lead to sensitive subjects. I''m also in the police and military computer systems, hopefully you don''t mind too much, and I will be acting there also. However I will need to have frequent contact with you two, also."