Nioi lives a normal, albeit pathetic life, running a candy and sweets shop by himself. With the child who comes to visit him often, he ends up hearing a story he had heard many times by an old man he knows oh so well: A story about the demons. Was it real, or was it not? This entire...thing is a one-shot chapter. I don''t plan on expanding on this. Inspired strongly by one of my favorite manga series, Demon Slayer.
Nioi lives a normal, albeit pathetic life, running a candy and sweets shop by himself. With the child who comes to visit him often, he ends up hearing a story he had heard many times by an old man he knows oh so well: A story about the demons. Was it real, or was it not? This entire...thing is a one-shot chapter. I don''t plan on expanding on this. Inspired strongly by one of my favorite manga series, Demon Slayer....