This is a story that follows the lives of Phoebe Kuruga and William Spade. Two impeccable detectives of Precinct 236 in the heart of Felicity City, NY. This duo specializes in homicide cases handed to them by Chief Kendrick Klein. Recently, more bizarre cases rise to the surface as the statute of limitations draws near on three particular cases. With the help of forensic scientist Rhea , the duo will overcome the dark mysteries of the last decade.
This is a story that follows the lives of Phoebe Kuruga and William Spade. Two impeccable detectives of Precinct 236 in the heart of Felicity City, NY. This duo specializes in homicide cases handed to them by Chief Kendrick Klein. Recently, more bizarre cases rise to the surface as the statute of limitations draws near on three particular cases. With the help of forensic scientist Rhea , the duo will overcome the dark mysteries of the last decade....