As a person grows old his mood changes. When still young, you could always see happy faces but when already in the midlife then crisis began. This is true because of the health condition which is no longer as healthy as before. Some already started to have aching joints, some already suffer different illnesses like high cholesterol, high blood sugar and some already have hypertension at their midlife age. They would always relate this to stressful day to day life. Some would go to the doctor and have maintenance and some who do not have money would just go to quack doctors or faith healers. There are also many doctors who would like to help other people ease the pain they suffer. One of this is the nuga best, a very well known help to those who have illnesses but could not afford to buy their medication.
Adna had met an old woman a week ago. She said to Adna, ‘’i am already seventy years old. Adna said, ‘’you look younger than your age.’’ The old woman smiled to Adna. It was manifested in her bulging eyes that she has thyroid problem. When she speaks, the tongue seemed twisting and could not pronounce well. Later, Adna knew that the old woman had already been stroke four times already. She is also hypertensive and also have a heart problem. She is very talkative and Al who was just listening to her conversation with Adna just smiled because she would also show a dance. She proves that despite her age, she is still strong. She even told Adna, ‘’i do the laundry at home, with the thick bed cover and heavy blankets, i do it myself.’’ Adna replied, ‘’where are your children, why you have to do it yourself?’’ She gave a negative comment about one of her children who lived with her, so Adna no longer elaborate. Adna asked her, ‘’are you still taking medicines for your hypertension and other illnesses/’’ She replied, ‘’before, but now no more, i just do nuga-best where all i have to do is just lie on bed and feel the heat of the bed which would give benefit to my health.’’ Adna heard about it many times but she was not able to join such health activity because the place where it was located was far. Yesterday, her friend who belonged to the same organization same like where Adna belonged too had conversation with Adna and Al at the mall. She had helped Adna years ago in the free shopping store Adna prepared for the indigents. Lex was still in her third year in nursing that time and her nineteen classmates came to help Adna in that free shopping store which was held at the function room in the church. The nineteen students had a failing grade in one of their subjects and Lex was one of them. Adna went to the University to see the professor and asked him how come Lex got a failing grade as well as the other eighteen students, male and female. The professor first was called by Adna through a telephone and he was asked by Adna, ‘’how come my daughter failed in your subject when in fact she has no single absent in the entire mid term of the semester, while another student who just came in during the exam had passed and she never attended the daily class religiously. Adna also told him, ‘’i came from this University and as far as i know the calculation of the grade is composed of the class standing which includes the perfect attendance in class, no absent no late, and for that my daughter gets a perfect score. Another part is the quizzes which i supposed my daughter also got a good score as she is always present. Even if she fails in the mid term exams which is only one part, the two parts, class standing and quizzes would be sufficient to make the grade of my daughter passing.’’ Adna told him because it seems he does not care and just told Adna to come and see him in school. Adna told him, ‘’if you drop the students like hot potatoes, this time you drop the wrong potato.’’If you come across this story on Amazon, it''s taken without permission from the author. Report it.
Adna then wrote a letter to the Dean of the department narrating what had happened to the nineteen students including Lex. The chairman of the department had been called by the Dean and after careful review, it was found out that all the students passed the examinations. Adna requested that Lex be transferred to another professor because it was still halfway of the semester and the request of Adna was granted by the chairman of the department. When the eighteen classmates of Lex knew that Adna would have a charity work in Christmas which was two months after the semester ends, they joined in serving. It was a free shopping store where Adna gathered, packs of rice, brand new slippers and hand down clothes from doctors and other classmates of Adna. After they pick one item for each family member, they then eat together in a table set by Adna like a restaurant at the mall. Most families had eight children. Adna noticed that the rice was consumed first. The most important for the majority of the recipients was rice, food really is the most important. After the free shopping store, which was patterned like going to a mall and choose dresses and other stuffs, then eat at the food court, but the only difference is that in Adna’s shopping store, everything was free of charge. Adna knew in her heart that those who came could not easily go to a mall and their family could not experience how it is to go shopping at the mall because of their limited resources. At least this time they know how it feels to pick up what they like and could eat also all the foods prepared for them. The classmates of Lex were so grateful to Adna because they had experienced the feeling of serving other people. They were also very happy that they all pass in the subject where if not because of Adna’s concern for them, they could have been failed. Adna did not only help her daughter but all of them who had problem in their subject.
The woman who belonged to the same organization where Adna belonged met Adna at the mall. Adna told her, ‘’why did you not come when I had the free legal clinic? When i had the free shopping store, you were there and helped me and i can still remember what you said, ‘’Adna i know you have a big house in heaven, i just want to borrow the key.’’ She told Adna that she got sick and now she is back to her good condition because everyday she joins nuga. Adna heard about nuga and had also listened to the story of the seventy year old woman who had lots of illnesses and now she is very thankful to nuga. Adna told her, we will also join nuga, so they went to the new place of the nuga which was just next to the mall. Al and Azia tried the nuga, it is a bed which heat would help the circulation of the blood . Azia who experienced it told Adna, “”you should try mom, it is good.’’ Adna just followed Azia and then she noticed her back pain felt better. They do not charge every person who go there. It is a real help to those who start to have health problems and already start feeling the pains in their joints. Adna also encourage Al the second and Lex to try, but since there are many who go there and beds are not that many, an hour waiting has to be spent there. Their purpose of helping other people for free is a good deed. Adna truly admires them.