A Magical Girl adult coming-of-age and subversion story. Dysfunctional twins Ferris and Sunny Darling move to dazzling, modern Infinity City after growing up strictly homeschooled. On top of navigating identity, relationships, and unlearning trauma-based habits, surprise, they’re celestial royalty with a responsibility to protect Earth! But... what grants them the right to dish out divine judgement? What makes Moonfolk “advanced”, humans a middle ground, monsters chaotic, and goblins vile? And why can’t either twin settle on a gender?
A Magical Girl adult coming-of-age and subversion story. Dysfunctional twins Ferris and Sunny Darling move to dazzling, modern Infinity City after growing up strictly homeschooled. On top of navigating identity, relationships, and unlearning trauma-based habits, surprise, they’re celestial royalty with a responsibility to protect Earth! But... what grants them the right to dish out divine judgement? What makes Moonfolk “advanced”, humans a middle ground, monsters chaotic, and goblins vile? And why can’t either twin settle on a gender?...