Date- 6 April 2321
Time- 12:19
Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands
"Yes, all of it," I affirmed
"Okay, so who is the buyer?" After getting confirmation from the boy Jill probed him about the buyer for further verification.n/?/vel/b//jn dot c//om
"You are speaking to him," I answered
"You? Yeah right. Wyatt, is this your idea of a prank?" Jill rolled her eyes listening to the boy.
"Jill, I am serious. I am the buyer, I want to buy all your stock of phantom sword wood," I asserted my voice to show Jill that I was not kidding.
"I don''t believe you, if you had told me the buyer was someone from the Southern Royal family I may have believed you," When the boy called her saying that he had a buyer lined in for her stock of phantom sword wood Jill believed that it had to be someone from the Southern Royal family but it never crossed her mind that the buyer he was talking about was himself.
"Jill, why is it hard for you to believe that I want to buy your stock of phantom sword wood?" I asked to help Jill understand that I wasn''t kidding when I said that I wanted to buy all of her stock of phantom sword wood.
"First of all, can you even afford to buy even a fraction of my entire stock of phantom sword wood?
Come on be honest with yourself, after the Freedom Fighters stole the silver beach dungeon you really aren''t worth that much. Except for the small percentage of phantom sword wood you ckmailed from me, you have no other noteworthy assets.
Unless you n to sell your patent and shares rted to sliver milk powder, but even so that is a big ask I don''t think you can afford the entirety of my stock of phantom sword wood if you do sell them," Jill got brutally honest with the boy.
"Well Jill, let me tell you something I have a lot more going on than you think you know," I refuted Jill
"Are you referring to how Dr. Luna stole all the key parts of the dungeon relocation apparatus before she defected to the Freedom Fighters and how that same day you called me to learn how to operate the dungeon relocation apparatus?" Jill enunciated that she knew what the boy has been up to recently.
"So, you heard about it, uh?" I did not go into details fearing I would say something to incriminate myself.
"Yes, I know. The first I put others ahead of my personal gains, you took advantage of me.How could you do that?" Jill was aggrieved that the boy took advantage of her when she was being nice to him.
"Hey, I did not force you to do anything. I was more than willing to pay a decent fee but you were the one who insisted to do it for free," I did not understand what Jill was whining about, did she expect me to feel bad about not paying her a hefty tuition fee to teach me how to use the dungeon relocation apparatus? What does she take me for? A simp?
"Well yed, Wyatt. I will get you back for this," Jill dropped the act knowing that it would not work on me.
Now that was the Jill I knew. Bring the conversation back to the topic I said, "Jill, will you sell me your entire stock of the phantom sword wood?"
"Wyatt, even if I was how are you going to pay me for it?"
If it was someone else Jill would have hung up the call by now however she had soft spot for the boy she continue with the call just to talk with him. After returning to the university, Jill has been craving the passion and heat she felt during the steamy session with the boy in the underground dungeon.<novelsnext></novelsnext>
At first when Jill realized she had feeling for the boy she did not take it seriously thinking it was her physique ying tricks on her mind but the long distance had made it clear to her that her feelings for the boy did not stem from her mind but her heart. They were genuine and had nothing to do with her physique. Jill never imagined that a day woulde she would lovesick about a boy. Though the spring of love had blossomedte in Jill''s adult life it wasn''t going away anytime soon.
"Jill, the question is not about how I am going to pay you but if you are willing to sell me your entire stock of phantom wood swords," I was basically asking Jill to take a leap from the edge of mountain cliff trusting that I will be there to catch her.
"Fine, I am willing to sell you my entire stock of phantom sword wood. Now, it is your turn to tell me how you n to pay me for them," Jill agreed to sell the entirety of her phantom sword wood stock trusting the boy that he woulde through some or the other way simr to the way he did in the underground dungeon. Like how her physique was infatuated with collecting the boy''s seeds she was attracted to his intellect. She has seen the boy achieve the impossible so she believed that the boy would not have contacted her about buying her entire stock of phantom sword wood if he did not have a n.
"Thank you for trusting, Jill," I thanked Jill sincerely even though I knowingly took advantage of Jill''s feelings for me. And then stated, "I n to pay you for the phantom sword word in monthly installments usingrge quantities of liquid soul energy and rule power. Before you say anything, know this you don''t have to give me your whole stock of phantom sword wood right away. You only have to give me the phantom sword wood for the amount I paid as a monthly installment."
"So, in other words, you want to turn me into your personal warehouse of phantom sword wood, so that you can buy phantom sword wood at your convenience. Now, why would I do something stupid like that?" Jill immediately understood what the boy was asking of her.
The boy wanted to reserve her entire stock of phantom sword wood in his name. That he could buy it from her at his convenience while Jill cannot sell it to anyone else since she would have reached an agreement to sell her entire stock of phantom sword wood to the boy.
So if she were to agree to the boy''s proposal she would be turning her stock of phantom sword wood which she could sell to anyone she wants into a stock of phantom sword wood that she can only sell to the boy. Even if she was head over heels for the boy she would not agree to something like that.
"Because I am willing to pay 5 percent more than the market value of the phantom sword wood at the time of purchase," Nowhere in the entire card world will I be able to find a huge stock of excellent quality phantom sword wood that I could get from Jill. Therefore, it was worth the 5 percent bump.
The phantom sword woods grown by Jill were all raised using the purest of soul energy, so they all grew up to be excellent quality sword wood. If Jill tries to sell them in the market she could easily sell them for 20 percent more than the market price and it was a different story if she auctioned them.
However, for the amount of phantom sword wood Jill had at her disposal, there was no way she could auction them or introduce them all at once in the market because if she were to do so the market value of phantom sword wood would decrease.
Thus, I did not hesitate to make an offer to buy the phantom sword wood for more than 5 percent of its market value. As I knew what I offered was too alluring for Jill to reject.
"Will all your payments be done using liquid soul energy or liquid rule power?" Jill seemed to be considering my offer.
"Yes," I affirmed
"Well, make it 10 percent and we have a deal," Jill tried to negotiate the selling price of her phantom sword wood.
"Nope, 5 percent or you can find another buyer," I stuck to my initial offer. Knowing that Jill did not have any other way to sell her entire stock of phantom wood for 5 percent more than the market price.
"Fine, but tell me why are you buying so much phantom sword wood?" Jill caved as my offer was too good for her to pass on. By taking my deal, she would be saving herself a lot of trouble and headache while also making herself a buttload of profits.
"Sure, but only if you tell me about yourtest research work," I knew Jill would be curious about why I needed so much phantom sword wood so I prepared a few counters beforehand.
"Moving on, so what now, do you want me to prepare a contract?" Jill asked.
"Sure, draft a contract and share it with my grimoire. I will make the first payment and collect the first batch of Phantom sword wood when I met you at the university," I was not in a hurry to get more Phantom sword wood from Jill as I need another six months to cultivate the required amount of phantom sword mushroom spawns to start arge scale phantom sword wood ntation.