<h4>Chapter 1753 Retreat</h4>
Date- 16 April 2321
Time- 14:55
Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarterspound
"You guys return to your post, I have things under control here," Noticing the 11 demigods follow them, Wyatt ordered them to return to their assigned post assuring them that he knew what he was doing.
Lt. General Spencer wanted to refute but paused seeing Demigod Norley nce at her. He had repeatedly rified that he was not here on an official business but a personal one. Since he was going to discuss private matters with Wyatt his short nce at her signaled that he would prefer some privacy. Additionally, with Wyatt, himself, asking them to leave his side, Lt. General Spencer was in a awkward situation.
However, moving past the awkwardness, she did not cave to the majesty of the founding and rejected Wyatt''s orders saying, "I cannot do that. Since I have to ensure your safety at all times."
"How are you going to protect me if he kills you? Don''t be stubborn, just leave before he makes you. Besides I have little Beam protecting me. She is stronger than all of you put together," Wyatt persuaded Lt. General Spencer pointing at little Beam who was hovering over his head to guard against any unseen threat.
Wyatt was curious as to why Little Beam did not use her ethereal spirit body to protect him as she did in Sansa and Corey''s case and instead hovered over his head. Was it because he was a male? Snakes do not have gender discrimination or do they, Wyatt wondered. Then shaking his head he thought, ''It must be because She knew Corey and I did not get along but needed each other.''
It was not that Wyatt or Demigod Norley would mind the presence of the Southern Royal family''s demigods, they could care less. The problem here was Demigod Norley''s insanely strong divine sense, because of which these demigods were open books for him to read. Wyatt was worried that these demigods wouldment something in their thoughts after listening to Demigod Norley''s problem and enrage him. Wyatt was only looking out for these demigods.
Listening to Wyattpare them to the sinister snake hovering over his head, Lt. General Spencer and her subordinates clenched their jaws in anger but none of them dared to refute him, not because they were cowards but because he was right. The sinister snake could indeed pose a challenge for all of them to defeat it together.
"Fine. Squad, retreat to your posts," Lt. General Spencer finally caved but her subordinates could not believe their ears. They all were demigods, they had their pride yet followed the demigod Spencer mostly because she had earned their respect and had little to do with the Southern Watch''s training. This was not the Lt General Spencer they respected. Since when did they start following the orders of a card master and a foreign entity?
"Did you not hear me? Retreat and regroup at your respective posts," Lt General Spencer yelled seeing that none of her subordinates had moved after hearing her initialmand.
Even though the demigods did not like the order, they chose to follow themand of their Lt. General as that was what a soldier was supposed to do. Do as they were told and ask no questions. Soon they all left to man their respective posts with their partner. As for Lt. General Spencer, she nodded at Wyatt before following her subordinates. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om
Leaving thepound of the TRS guild headquarters, Lt. General did not go very far. Soon her grimoire rang it was one of her subordinates. With a frown, she answered the call, "What is it?"
"Lt. General permission to speak informally," the demigod on the other said seeking permission to speak with her mate Demigod Spencer, and not her superior Lt. General Spencer.
"Major Leroy, do you think this is a good time to make personal calls?" Lt. General Spencer did not permit Major Leroy but she did not even reject her.
"Lt. General Spencer, why did you agree to leave the target of our protection alone? Is it because you were worried that all of us were not the match of demigod Norley or the Snake? I hope you know none of your subordinates is a coward. We meant it when we took the oath that we are willing to sacrifice ourselves for the Southern Region," Major Leroy was not talking on her behalf but the rest of the nine demigods. They all would be disappointed if Lt. General Spencer asked them to retreat because she was worried they were not the match of the enemy.
"Major Leroy, are you questioning your superior''s orders?" Lt General Spencer thundered, the sternness in her voice perfectly conveyed through the grimoirework.
"No, Lt. General. I am just asking if you doubt your subordinate''s patriotism and loyalty towards the royal family," Major Leroy did not back down she was direct with her question this time around.
As demigods, there was a reason why they were all loyally serving the Southern Royal family instead of starting their own families or sects. It was because they were true patriots who were willing toy the enemies'' lives and their lives for the Southern Region and the Royal family. So being ordered to retreat while leaving Wyatt alone with the hostile when the Royal family''s orders for them to protect Wyatt with their lives could not be clearer, bothered them. It was equal to saying that they were not loyal or patriotic enough. It hurt their pride and felt like they were being stripped of the only thing they gained from doing this low-paying high-risk job.
"Sigh," Lt General Spencer sighed exaggeratedly and then said, "Major Leroy, this not the time or ce. Let us continue our talkter."
Major Leroy was pissed, demigod Spencer wasn''t just her superior but also her friend and she was right this was not the time or ce for this, however, she expect more from her. A brief exnation would be enough. So that she could cool the other subordinates who felt that Lt. General Spencer had stained their warrior''s pride by asking them to retreat just because they were weaker than the enemy.
Warrior''s pride might sound stupid but that was the main factor why these demigods joined the royal army. If they were not representing the Southern region they would not mind retreating with life and taking revengeter but as the soldier of Southern regions, they were not cowards who ran from the strong and bullied the weak or only fought the battles and wars that they knew they would win. Southerners were not cowards, they were poorer than other regions in terms of wealth and literacy but they were not cowards.
After hanging up on Major Leroy, Lt. General Spencer received a soul whisper questioning her actions, ''Why did you not exin the situation to them?''
''Your Highness Field Marshal, they are the soldiers they should do what they are told and not ask questions,'' Lt. General Spencer respectfully replied to Field Marshal Heatsend.
''Sigh, it seems my nephew has filled the royal army with unnecessary rules. Anyways take your two squads and hurry to the southern capital to guard the dual gate dungeon to take charge. Currently, it is only manned by three demigod squads andcks a leader. With your two squads, you will have five squads at your disposal. I can only hope that is enough,'' Field Marshal Heatsend ordered Lt. General Spencer while making a note to remind her nephew to update the old-school rules of the royal army. Especially, since even she, one of the older generations, felt that old-school ways were outdated.
''Yes, Your Highness. I will make you proud,'' Lt General Spencer epted her orders without hesitation and immediately acted on them.
As a soldier, Lt. General Spencer did what she was asked to without asking any question but her heart was in chaos. Just like her subordinates, she felt multiple emotions wreaking havoc in her heart, causing it to pound harder. Though she was made in charge of guarding the dual gate dungeon connecting the western capital to the southern capital she was not happy because it was a step down from her current mission of guarding Dalton Wyatt and his loved ones.
''Sigh'' Field Marshal Heatsend sighed seeing that Lt. General Spencer did not ask any question about her new orders. As one of the top ten strongest beings in this world, how could she miss the turmoil of demigod Spencer? How could Lt General Spencer give her best when the doubt that her Superior did not trust her kept poking her heart? This was why the Field Marshal believed that royal army rules were outdated, they might have been perfect for during the warring period but now it was not.
''Lt General Spencer, you did a good job. It was a mistake in assessing the risk of the mission. We did not expect that respected figures such as Demigod Norley would shamelessly make a move against Wyatt. The rank of this mission has increased by several folds,'' Field Marshal Heatsend went out of her way to exin things to Lt General Spencer.