"SHALL we go back to our team’s headquarters?" Luo Yan asked Shen Ji Yun.
Now that he had finally acknowledged his feelings for Shen Ji Yun, he felt immensely refreshed. Like his heart was immersed in a clear spring. He liked this feeling. Now, he couldn’t imagine how it would feel like once he confessed. Or maybe once Shen Ji Yun confessed. Although in his opinion, with how shy and oblivious the other was, it would probably be him who would do the deed first.
Not that he minded. He already even had ns on when he would confess. By that time, this body was already 18 and hopefully, really hopefully, that by then his family was no longer antagonistic towards Shen Ji Yun. Well, he hoped they could at least be civil to each other at that point. Thatst part would depend on his convincing power and on how Shen Ji Yun behaved.
Ah, that would truly be a difficult one. Especially considering how protective his two brothers were. Maybe he should help them with their love life so they wouldn’t interfere much with his. Or maybe he should outright just confess about his feelings towards Shen Ji Yun. At least that way, the two wouldn’t always think that the other was taking advantage of him.
But not now. At least after his birthday. Then his two brothers wouldn’t use the excuse of Shen Ji Yun coaxing a minor into a rtionship with him. With how his brothers were, that’s certainly something they might do.
Speaking of, with this little action of Shen Ji Yun, he would surely be once again under the radar of Luo Ren and Luo Jin. They were probably even wondering where the ’viin’ had brought their lovable brother.
In fact, the two had been sending him messages for a while now. He didn’t have to look to know what might be the contents of the messages.
"Can we stay here for a bit?" Shen Ji Yun asked instead.
It’s probably a bit too shameless of him to ask this. Especially after what just happened. But he truly just wanted to spend more time with Luo Yan. After all, because of the preliminary, he hadn’t been alone with him for more than a day. Even though they could only meet here in the game, he still treasured their time alone together.
If they went back to the headquarters now, Luo Yan’s brothers would surely get in the way. Heck, they might even convince Luo Yan to immediately log out.
Luo Yan stared at Shen Ji Yun. He was looking at him with eyes full of hope. Like some kid asking for a candy. No, more like a puppy waiting for its owner to give it food. He justcked the ears and the tail.
Really, this big cinnamon roll. How more adorable could he be? It simply made him want to tease him. But that was not the time for that. He should help Shen Ji Yun to be in his brothers’ good graces. When best to start than now?
"But Brother Ji Yun, everyone is probably waiting for us. They also would want to congratte me. Especially Brother. I don’t want Brother to think badly of you for bringing me here. I don’t want my brother to think badly of you."
[He already thinks badly of me.] – Shen Ji Yun thought.
But Luo Yan was right. There’s no need to antagonize him more. He was about to agree when he felt something soft touching his hand. He gazed down and saw another hand holding his own. Then he raised his gaze towards Luo Yan’s beautiful face. Those big blue eyes were shining brilliantly.
"Let’s go, okay, Brother Ji Yun?" Luo Yan continued.
How could anyone say no to that?
"Okay," Shen Ji Yun could only say at the end.
And so, the two teleported out of the floating ind.
Just as Luo Yan thought, Luo Ren and Luo Jin were not very happy with Shen Ji Yun ’abducting’ their brother.
The rest of team Yunyue was at the headquarters, inside the main hall to be exact, together with Luo Ren and Yu Jiao. There was also a little fox sitting on the table, licking his paw.
Luo Jin was walking back and forth, his small face all scrunched up. "Just where did that Shen Ji Yun bring Yan? And why is Yan not even answering my messages? Did that guy prevented him from doing so or something? What does that guy think he’s--"
He hadn’t finished what he’s saying because someone suddenly pinched his cheek. He nced sideways and saw that it was Su Yuqi.
"Calm down, will you?" she said before letting go of the other’s cheek. "You’re acting as if Shen Ji Yun is a criminal. What do you think he will do, eat Luo Yan or something? You’ve known Shen Ji Yun for at least two months now. Despite that, do you still think he’s someone capable of doing harm to your brother?"
Luo Jin was shocked. Because he wasn’t expecting Su Yuqi to say that to him. But what’s more shocking was the fact that she was looking at him with a trace of disappointment. As if he was being too childish.
He wanted to respond back but hid didn’t know what to say. This situation suddenly made him remember that Shen Ji Yun and Su Yuqi had known each other since high school. Of course, she would side with the other instead of him.
He couldn’t just go and say that he was worried about Shen Ji Yun’s interest towards his brother. And he wasn’t referring to the friendly kind of interest but the romantic one. If he did say that, Su Yuqi might just right outugh at him, telling him that he’s being paranoid.
He understood logically that Shen Ji Yun wouldn’t do anything bad to Luo Yan. But his protective instinct just refused to admit that. So, he truly couldn’t help but act this way when it came to his second brother.
It’s most likely because of that ident more than seven years ago. Even though he was only a kid then, the memory of that time was still deeply embedded in his mind. The guilt that he felt for being the only one who survived unscathed was so overwhelming that it nearly destroyed him.
That’s why now that Luo Yan was awake and healthy, his overprotective nature couldn’t be held in even if he wanted to. It’s the reason why he just couldn’t like Shen Ji Yun. All because he didn’t like the interest he was showing his brother. After all, this interest could destroy Luo Yan.
Luo Jin suddenly felt depressed.
"It’s only natural for Xiao Jin to worry. Yan Yan is very dear to us, after all," Luo Ren suddenly asked, he was smiling yet it didn’t reach his eyes. In fact, his gaze was a bit chilling. "Or does Miss Su suggest that we shouldn’t worry about our own brother? Because just like you said, your friend wouldn’t do anything ’bad’ to him."
Su Yuqi turned her indifferent gaze to Luo Ren. "Being worried is fine if there’s a viable reason for it. But in this case, you two are simply being paranoid."
And the temperature around them suddenly turned a few degrees down. To the point that it almost felt freezing.