Inside the room, three unconscious bodies wereying on their beds.
Suddenly the little white tiger started convulsing her body.
"The white tiger is about to breakthrough. Come back, dream coin!" A mechanical voice said. Then the ck coin came out from her forehead and she opened her eyes.
The iron puppet appeared again and waved toward the white tiger. After that, the white tiger was teleported out of the room.
Suddenly the white tiger appeared in the Undying forest just near the ravine. It started roaring at the sky.
Roar! Roar! Roar!
The white tiger then took out a golden color pill from inside the ring that was hanging on her neck with a string and ate it.
Her heavenly tribtion also finally arrived. Suddenly, fifteen multi-colored lightning just appeared in the sky just above the little white tiger''s head.
Those four inside the ravine saw it.
"The white tiger is about to breakthrough. But, why is her first heavenly tribtion fifteen colors lightning tribtion? " Old Tang said with some worry for the white tiger.
Joey opened his eyes slowly and stood up. He found himself waking up in arge field of sunflowers. It was a t in. Then, he looked all around him and saw only the sea of yellow colors on the far horizons. The sky was clear with azure color and white clouds floated in it.
"Where am I? " He murmured.
"Hello! Wee to the Dreamworld. Sir, please state your name."
Joey heard an unfamiliar female voice in his mind.
"Sister Ai, are you there?" He called Long Ai in his mind. But, she didn''t respond.
Instead, he heard the female voice again, "Sir, this is the dream world. You should stop what you are doing. Please, state your name."
"Joey." He replied.
"Starting body scanning!"
Joey saw a loading bar in front of him in the air like in the video game.
Name: Joey, Cultivation realm: lvl 10 Semi-nascent realm, Bloodline: Half human and half dragon, Skill: NA, Health: 100 %, Essence qi: Find three different types of energy (yer can set it himself.)
There was a button caption below it.
Joey was reincarnated from the modern earth. So, he came to understand that he was in some kind of virtual reality game.
Then he touched the button and three options came out.
1 Mission
2 Status setting<sub> </sub>
3 About this dream world.
He clicked on option 3. Then, suddenly a hologram of a 20 something years old handsome man appeared.
"Hello, my future descendants. I am one of your ancestors, Tang Chen. After researching for a couple of decades I created this realm of mind and consciousness. I call it, the Dream World. " The man said.
"It was specially designed to train you. Whatever you learn and experience here, it will be retain memories in your muscle and mind. Some of the opponents here are the strongest experts that I met and knew of in my time. Afterpleting each mission, you will be rewarded. If you have any more doubts, you can ask directly from Lian."
Then, the hologram disappeared.
Then Joey clicked on the mission button. In the bar, it came out as follows.
Misson no. 1: Kill 100 persons in the same cultivation level.
Reward: A tier 2 weapon.
Misson no. 2: Lock. It will unlock automatically afterpleting the previous mission.
Then Joey clicked on the Misson no. 1.
After that, the scenery around him changed into barrennd. Then, one hundred men carrying different weapons ranging from the sword, the saber, staff, etc. appeared and surrounded him. All of them had lvl 10 Semi-Nascent realm cultivations based.
They all shouted and ran toward him.
Joey raised his right hand in the air. Then, a sword appeared in his hand.
Then he used his movement skill and started ughtering them one by one. Killing them was so easy for him.
"Mission 1pleted! The reward will be given after the user was logged out. Young Master Joey, do you want to continue challenging the next mission?" The female voice spoke in his mind.
"You are Lian, right?" Joey asked instead.
"Yes, I am Lian. " She replied.
"Alright. Let me see the details of mission no. 2." Joey said.
Then a status bar appeared on the air just before him.
Mission no. 2: Kill ten lvl 6 beasts.
Reward: A basic manual of introduction of weaponsmith.
Mission no. 3: Still lock (It will unlock automatically afterpleting the previous mission.)
"Young Master Joey, do you ept the mission? Reply with just yes or no."
"Lian, can I change my body status first?" Joey asked.
"Yes, please tell me how you want to set your body status. I will change it for you." Lian replied.
Then, Joey told Lian to keep his body energy level just like a mortal human. After that, he epted the challenge and startedpleting them one by one.
Red Dawn, a middle realm world,
Inside a room, 10 people were currently sitting on ten majestic seats. All of them wore ck hooded robes with Taotie''s head on each of their back.
"We are busy people. Can we start now?" A man''s voice spoke out breaking their long silence.
"Lion-head, why do you summon us?" Another man asked again.
( Lion-head- a code name used in their organization. No one here knew the identities of each other. They all went by code names.)
"Listen carefully everyone, in the heavenly realm, the God ns are starting to act again. Also, there was a conflict between the Dragon tribe and the Zhang family. A war will break out soon between these three powerhouses. ording to our organization''s rules, it is forbidden to join in their fight. But, you can join the fun personally without using our organization''s name. What you do outside is your own business." Someone said. But, no one knew who spoke just now. Also, they could not figure out the gender of the voice too. It sounded like both male and female voices mixed together.