<h4>Chapter 71 ra 1</h4>
"Your highness, please go in." The servant opened the door with a respectful expression. I frowned and entered the room. In fact, I also wanted to meet ra.
ra was my fiancée and childhood friend. We were very close when we were children, but after she became my fiancée, our rtionship slowly drifted apart.
One day, ra suddenly started to avoid me. She tried to avoid going to ces where I go, and if she needed to attend an event where I was going, she would excuse herself with the excuse that she was sick.
Moreover, the few times we met each other, ra tried to keep a distance from me. She would put on a polite expression and ster a fake smile on her face.
In fact, just a few days ago, I heard a rumor that ra wanted to cancel her engagement with me.
Even now, I’m not too clear about what happened. When we were children, ra always would be glued to me, pulling my shirt and holding my hand with a shy expression.
So, what did cause the change?
Once I entered the room, I was a bit surprised.
ra was not the only person in the room. She was being apanied by a woman a bit older than her. The woman was wearing a white habit that covered most of her body, and her face carried apassionate smile. She put on a surprised expression when she saw me, but in the next second, her expression returned to normal.
As for ra, she was also wearing a religious habit. Hers, however, was a bit less formal than the woman.
Her auburn hair was hidden underneath the habit’s hat and only a few strands of her hair fell outside her habit and covered her ears.
I furrowed my brows instantly. It looks like things are worse than I thought.
"... ra?"
ra’s expression turnedplicated when she saw me. "us."
I nodded and stared at the woman beside her. "She is...?"
"Allow me to introduce myself, prince us." The woman showed an elegant expression and nodded towards me. "My name is Safelia Ainida, the current saint of the Church of Order."
I put on a startled expression. "Saintess Safelia? ra, what is happening?" I looked right into ra’s eyes.
ra’s eyes met mine before she hurriedly avoided my gaze. She then looked at the ground and bit her lips.
"us, I hope you can cancel our engagement..."
My expression turned cold "... ra, I need an exnation."
ra looked towards me briefly before moving her gaze away. I could see an expression of guilt and pain on her face. The current ra was much more expressive, different than the polite mask that she had been using recently.
But precisely because of that, I have a bad premonition.
ra opened her mouth, but she failed to form words. I could see an expression of struggle sh through her eyes.
Seeing ra’s expression, Saintess Safelia wrinkled her brows. She then coughed and heaved a sigh after shooting ra a concerned look. "Let me do the exnations, Prince us. A few days ago, the goddess chose miss ra as the new Holy Daughter. As you know, a Holy Daughter cannot marry, so it’s necessary to cancel her engagement with you."
"Holy Daughter?" My expression turned dubious. "If I’m not wrong, the church can’t force anyone to be a member."
"You are right, but miss ra agreed to be our Holy Daughter."
"... Is it true, ra?" I asked ra with a dark expression.
ra’s expression turned guiltier, but she nodded firmly.
"I see..." I sighed and fell silent. To be honest, I’m still a bit confused.
"... I’m sorry, us." ra gritted her teeth and said. "I’m really sorry..."
"... I’m sorry us. Don’t worry, if you are the one that cancels the engagement then I’ll be the one that carries the shame of being rejected. I’ll make sure that this doesn’t affect you."
I remained silent. ra opened her mouth, but she was unable to continue speaking. In the end, the saintness was forced to continue the conversation with a sigh.
"Prince us, I hope you understand that miss ra is making a great sacrifice for your sake. If she wants, she can use the power of the church to cancel the engagement and she will not suffer any consequences, even if you are a prince."
I pinched the bridge of my nose and heaved a sigh. "Saintess, can you give me a bit of time alone with ra?"
Saintess Safelia was startled. She then stared at the two of us and gave a soft sigh. "I’ll be outside."
I nodded. Safelia then exited the room and closed the door behind her.
Once she was gone, I stealthily put on a soundproof barrier in the room and spell on the door to ward off people that wish to enter.
The ward is a pretty convenient spell. It affects the subconscious mind of the people nearby, making them avoid entering the room without them noticing.
Once I was sure that nobody was going to enter the room for a while, I looked at ra.
"Now, will you exin to me what is happening?"