Peach cleared the thoughts of changes in the city from her mind and got down to business.
"Are you sure you''re not an Incubus impersonating Wolfe Noxus? Never mind that for now, we need to start getting ready for the procedures here in the Academy. What do we need that I might have overlooked?"
Wolfe considered that for a moment. "Not much. These witches are all over eighteen, so the curse will be dried. All you need is a shower for the ones who were hit with the Nerve Gas and buckets of water with baking soda for them to stand in while I work so the acid doesn''t burn their feet.
Just have everyone arrive barefoot and in something easy to change out of. If the process is the same for everyone, it will save a lot of questionster."
"Alright, I can do that. We will organize bath robes for everyone to wear down from their rooms so that they can change and send them into theundry when they are finished. It will be easier for everyone involved and save time having them gather their clothing once they''re out of the shower." Peach agreed and started making notes to send to the staff.
Once she sent out the orders, the news spread quickly through the entire student poption, along with the rumour that anyone who could finish the third-year exams could go live in a magical forest filled with Fae and Rank Two Witches.
The rumour was ridiculous, but some of the students had heard the guards talking about Forest Grove, so it seemed more legitimate than just students gossiping.
That only got more intense when the news that Headmistress Peach was looking for volunteer Professors among graduates and witches who were soon to graduate.
The Morgana Academy clearly had enough staff, so where else could they be going? In the students'' minds, they must be recruiting for the newly allied magical city.
By the time that they gathered for the assembly that afternoon after sses, the gossip mill was running wild, and even repeated admonishments from the student hall monitors weren''t enough to get them to calm down before Headmistress Peach came in.
"Good evening, students. I will rify what is going on for you in a few seconds. It is good to see that everyone followed directions and changed into the provided robes beforeing down.
The Snow Demon, who many of you heard about over the course of the winter, is here with us today, and we have formed an ongoing agreement with him to purge the blockages from your mana systems.
That is both for those who have sustained damage from the Nerve Gas that the Mundane Army used against the Coven Armies and for the ones who have blockages limiting their natural abilities.
We will have youe forward one at a time and have your mana systems cleared. When it is your turn, step into a fresh pool of water, which is mixed with a stabilizer so that the leftover blockages don''t continue to affect your body after the process."
Wolfe smiled at the Headmistress, who was ying fast and loose with the truth, but it was technically urate. The baking soda would keep the leftovers from giving them acid burns if they had been damaged by the Nerve Gas.
Wolfe took a seat on the high stool they had prepared for him, and one of the staff ced a small basin of water on the ground in front of him.
He patted her on the shoulder as she stood up, clearing her system and blowing the dust away with a gust of Air Magic, then winked at her and gestured for the Headmistress to send the first student forward.
The Assemblies were always set up the same way, with the advanced sses in front, seated by ss ranking, so the first up should be the most aplished third-year student.
The student stood toe forward and then blushed as her robe shifted and nearly let her prodigious chest free of its confines. She usually wasn''t too concerned about a bit of modesty, but she had nearly finished her schooling and was very aware of how to tell the power level of a Demon.
Knowing that a Demon was helping them made most of the students a bit nervous until they realized it was Wolfe, but students like her who realized that Wolfe was a Rank Four Demon Lord were not about to rx.
The amount of chaos that he could cause if he wanted to was immense. The Fortress City kept forbidden weapons from the war hidden in the upper levels in case someone like him appeared.
They had no confidence that they could ovee him without that sort of trickery, so letting him mess with all of the students'' mana pathways was a huge deal.
That was precisely why Peach had only made the deal once they were here and not in front of the guardians, who might bepelled to tell the Coven Council the details of their deal when they returned.
The student stepped into the basin carefully, holding a small bag with her change of clothes, and Wolfe got to work.
She had remained at the Academy, so there was no damage from the Nerve Gas, just some blockages in her mana system, which Wolfe cleared in an instant, then gave her a dose of mana to stretch her mana veins and let the staff member help her to the prepared towel on the floor to dry her feet before walking across the room.
ραΠdαsΝοvel "That''s all there is to it. Nice and easy. Please step forward. We have a lot of students to go through." Peach instructed, getting the third-year ss moving.
One after another, Wolfe moved through the students and realized that these were likely to be the best prospects that he would see today for Professors.
Half of the Witches in the vige were stronger than they were already, but these ones had more knowledge, which was what a Professor needed, and they could catch up on the power scaling if they took the job offer.